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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mob Wives: The Bitch is Back

DISCLAIMER:  This blog was longer than I expected or anticipated.  I need to try to shorten them, but I like getting out the most important parts. 

Mean while back at Carla"s birthday party, Karen (Gravano) and Renee (Graziano) are still going at it.

Let's listen in, shall we.

       We interrupt this blog for this important message from the blogger:
               Hi.  I'm Nikki you wonderful blogger and I just wanted to say I absolutely love the music in this show.             
               Besides learning about high end tequila like Patron, I watch the show for the music.  Next week's blog 
               will have the name of the songs and the artist listed.  My apologizes for not doing this time around.

       That was an important message from your blogger.  Now back to our regularly rescheduled program.

Um, no, I don't think we should listen in.  Its pretty fouled mouth and I'm trying to keep this blog at least a PG rating and not PG-17.  But in a nut shell Karen called Renee a B and Renee repeated it back and Karen repeated it back and Renee repeated it back and Karen repeated it back and then finally, Renee made a sentence...actually two sentences using the B word.  Everyone give Renee a round of applause.  Oh wait, she (Renee) dropped a few F bombs along the way.  I think that deserves a standing ovation.

Karen basically tells Renee to leave and Renee said she has never left a place and she never will (with a few explicits thrown in for good measure, of course).  Karen says she's not leaving either.  Hey, guess what chicas, I'm not leaving either.  So there.  (Three snaps in a Z formation).

Karen goes back inside and Carla asks her what's wrong and Karen tells her that Renee is mad because she's (Karen is there).  To the camera Carla is saying (with much irritation) that at her party with all her friends, "this sh*t got to go down".  Drita says that Renee is 100% a drama queen.  She's going outside to speak to  Renee.  Drita tells Renee that she didn't know she was coming (Karen) and Renee is still acting like Karen is not allowed there.

               I have to go back to last week's episode and bring something up. Drita called Carla to talk about her 
               birthday party and while talking she tells her that Karen is in town.  Through the conversation it finally  
               comes out that Drita wanted to invite Karen to Carla's birthday party but didn't feel it was her place 
               because, after all, it is Carla's party.  Carla states that her and Karen aren't close or anything but she  
               will invite her, and thus, she does.

Back outside with Renee and Drita. Drita wants to try to solve this whole issue of Renee not knowing if Karen was coming to the party.  Oh on last week's episode, Renee felt like she was set up.  Well kinda she was because Drita and Carla both feel the Renee needs to build a bridge and get over her issues with Karen.  But whatever.

Anyhoo.  Drita goes back inside to get Carla so they can squash this whole Renee/Karen thing, but Renee thinks Drita should mind her own (insert explicit here) business.  Drita's inside with Carla and Karen saying that this has to be resolved right now.  In the meantime, here comes Renee basically tell Drita and Carla they don't need to resolve this and for some reason this sets Drita off.

       Now I'm not sure if any of you caught last week's episode, but Drita said that when she fights someone she doesn't do hair pulling and scratching.  She sends them to the hospital. They are going to get hurt whoever she's fighting.  Well the look on her face and the tone in her voice made me want to leave the room - my living room and wait for everything to die down - or someone to die...whichever comes first.  But for the sake of my fans, I will stick around and watch the fireworks.  Yes, I love my fans that much, that I will take a Drita knuckle for you.

Drita tells Renee to leave (explicits are thrown like confetti) and Renee tells her that she doesn't have to leave.  But the look on Karen's face is priceless.  Karen is looking at Drita like her head is about to start spinning and pea soup is going to come out of her mouth.  Actually, I was thinking the same thing.  I was about the call a Priest (from the smart yellow pages) to do a exorcisms.  But no need, its just Drita being Drita.

Renee gets in Drita's face (literally) and Drita is telling her to move away (I think Renee should as well).  All of the ladies (if you want to call them that - I'm just kidding ladies, especially you Drita) are into it now and to keep Renee from possibly getting beat down by Drita, Carla puts her hand on Renee's throat to try to push her back. 
That's Carla's hand on Renee's neck.

            OK.  Side Note:  Throughout this arguing, I've noticed Karen with a smile on her face and I just noticed 
           Carla kinda laughing.  If this was a real argument and someone was about to get their ass whomped, I don't 
           think anyone would be laughing.  However, Renee and Drita aren't laughing one bit.  They aren't even 
          cracking a smile or a grin.

Renee does end up leaving the party.

Next day:

Carla and Drita are at the gym and Drita has on boxing gloves doing the 1, 2 punch on a punching bag.  She really doesn't want to be there after the night she had.  Drita hits with her right hand, but she likes to mix it up by doing the 1, 2 on people..the 1 being her right hand hits first and the 2 being her left hand finishing the person off.  She reminds Carla that's how she broke some girl's jaw.  Drita states she has a switch that comes on when she gets mad and she basically blacks out.  She states that when that switch comes on, everyone should basically back away and not challenge her.  Drita apologizes to Carla for what happened.

Renee's house:  
       Renee is telling her son AJ what took place last night at Carla's party.  She still feels like she was set up.  To the camera she calls Carla a sly fox and Drita the resolver and states she is not feeling the girls at all.  Back in her living room she's really into her story about what happened.  She standing up doing body movements and getting loud and annoying the deuce out of AJ.  In the midst of talking to her son, Carla calls her and tells her that she feels bad about what happened.  Renee is telling Carla that she feels that they lied to her.  They got her drunk and then messed with her head.  Carla tells her that they didn't get her drunk, she got herself drunk.  Carla invites Renee over to her house for some food and to talk things over.  Renee is all for this because food is involved.  Hey, I'm with you Renee.  I'll go wherever the food is.

Carla's House:
       Renee is still feeling like she was set up and she states, "I sorta kinda was" and Carla replies with, "That's how I figured you felt."   Carla tells her she didn't want to tell her that Karen was coming because she didn't want Renee coming to the party with her guard up and looking for Karen.  She wanted Renee to arrive as Renee.  Renee is cool with Carla and not holding anything against her, but she does seem to have an issue with Drita and how she acted.  Carla is reminding Renee that Drita does have a temper.  Renee feels the disrespect was there.

Renee brings up a good point that Karen made at the club and that Renee didn't have a problem when Sammy The Bull was killing people but she has a problem with him turning on people and messing up families because a lot of people got sent away because of Sammy.  I thought Karen brought up a good point when she said it the first time.  Renee feels that Karen made sense as well.  She's conflicted with resuming her friendship with Karen and being loyal to her father (Anthony Graziano).

Drita's House: (Oh brother - here we go)
       Nothing much happens here.  She's getting ready to cook dinner and ask Aleeya (9) if she wants help her homework and then ask Gizelle (3) if she wants to help her mother cook.  Drita explains (to the camera) about her situation with being 23 when she met Lee and then being 6 weeks pregnant the first time he went to prison.  Aleeya was five when he came home, but only lasted two years and was busted again.  Drita asks Aleeya if she wants to do her homework now or wait for her father to call.  Drita explains that her and Lee have a volatile relationship, but she never let that interfere with him and his daughters.

Renee's House:
       AJ is coming home with his father (Renee's ex-husband) Hector "Junior".  They separated 12 years ago, but legally got divorced 2 years ago.  Junior used to work for Renee's father (Anthony).

Renee's son is not doing good in school and she feels he should be punished by having to stay home for the next two weekends.  Junior asks, "what about a car."  I guess they want to get AJ a car.  Renee states he must get an 80 and above in every single subject if he wants his parents to buy him a car.  Junior states that he's picking the car and paying for it.  Renee wants AJ to have something safe.  Renee doesn't want AJ listening to his father because he's not the one providing a roof over AJ's head and putting food on the table for him, which she's right.  They come to an agreement that if AJ doesn't pull up his grades she's going to "rat" him out to his dad.  End of Junior and Rene.

Karen's Apartment in NY (remember, Karen actually lives in Phoenix but in NY visiting - I guess you could say):
       Her cousin Rena comes to visit.  Karen brings up Carla's party but she tells it a little different.  She basically told her cousin that she told Renee she wasn't going to leave, that she was going to stay.  Her cousin asks her what did Renee do and Karen says she left.  WOA, Nellie!!!!!!  Aren't you forgetting a few minor details on why Renee left?  It wasn't because of you, H R Puff N Stuff.  Rena brings up the fact that Karen is writing a book and Karen states it not about about the mob its about growing up as a mobster's daughter.

Carla's House:

     She gets a collect call from Joe (ex-husband) and just like Drita's husband, Joe is demanding too on what he wants to be sent to the prison.  He wants meatballs, tomatoes, mozzarella, etc., etc..  I want to know what prison they are in they can get all this stuff.  Joe says he'll call back either Thursday or Friday.  He says good bye to his son and daughter and that's the end of that.

Drita meets with her cousin Gzima, who by the way, looks like a man.  I am so serious.  YIKES!!!!!  Drita and her cousin are talking about how the mobsters don't talk about what they do or did at the dinner table like they show in movies.  Nothing interesting here.  I'm waiting for the scene where she gets a phone call from Lee and she goes off on him.  Hold on to your boot straps kids, its coming up.

Renee's House:
     AJ's report card came today.  AJ got a 46 in gym and 55 in another subject.  She asks if he told his father.  He said no because he just got the report card.  Renee states that growing up she got by just on her last name but now things have changed and AJ needs to work hard for what he wants.

I'm going to do a quick run of the rest of the show because I am about turn into a zombie.

Drita gets call from Lee who is supposed go before the parole board.  She wants to know when he will be out and he says in about 2-3 years.  Lee told her before that he would be in prison for no more than 3 years and he's already been in 2.5 years and now he may get 3 more years if he's denied parole.

Drita and Carla go to a bar for drinks.  Drita is aggravated over what Lee told her. She's basically telling Carla that no sane woman would wait for a man as long as Drita did.

Next Day:

Renee and AJ go to the gym and are supposed to meet up with Junior (AJ's father).  

       Side story: Junior was locked up when AJ was five and got out when AJ was 11 - so he missed a good      
       portion of AJ's childhood.  

Renee wants to meet up with Junior so she and he can be on agreement on AJ's punishment for his crappy report card, which is no car.  Renee asks AJ to call his father who has yet to show up, but no answer on his father's phone.  Renee calls Junior and leaves a message on his voicemail.  Renee is pissed that Junior has disappointed his son.  AJ is trying to play it off and he just told Renee that he used to feel bad when he father wouldn't show up somewhere and this has pissed Renee off even more.  She leaves a tougher message on Junior's voicemail.

Renee is on her way to see her therapist.  She's there to talk about Junior and how frustrated she is with him. The therapist asked, "Where do you come in", meaning where does Renee matter and she breaks down crying realizing she doesn't matter at all.  She states she doesn't care what happens with Junior.  She just wants her son in college and Junior far away.

Drita and Karen go to a club together. (Oh yeah, I forgot.  Lee used to date Karen [7 years to be exact] before marrying Drita - interesting eh?).  Drita begins talking to Karen about all the problems she's having with Lee.  Karen just feels she should listen and not give advice so she's not looking like the crazy ex-girlfriend.

Next Day:

Drita gets a collect call from Lee and things are calm at first and then she asks, no, yells at him when is he coming home and that's when all hell breaks loose.  The F bombs and MF's are flying and Drita is seeing red and telling Lee that's she's not going to wait for him anymore.  He basically thinks she should.  She's mad because he is not telling her exactly when he's getting out and he doesn't see it as a big deal.  As she puts it, "you're throwing years at me like that's alright."  The call ends with him telling her to go F herself and she says, "You too" and then rips the phone out the wall.

Karen, Renee, Carla and Drita

I didn't to see next week's previews.  I will recap next week's previews later on.  I do apologize for this.

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