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Monday, May 2, 2011

Mob Wives: Mob Bust and so was the show

The show opens with Drita and her friend Michelle getting a pedicure and Drita is talking about when Lee got arrested she lost the house, her job and everything else.  She mostly focuses on how it effects the kids when something like this happens.  So basically, that scene was setting up the rest of the blah blah blah show.

Karen The Dull Gravano hires a writing coach to help her writing this damn book of hers that no one really cares about (um, so yeah, I will be purchasing a copy - future guilty pleasure in the works for me).
But what exactly is a writing coach?  According to Boring, I mean Karen, she has this writing coach to help her bring out the emotions in her book.  Again, really? Just like you had to go back to Staten Island to get the mentality to write the book you need a writing coach to help you bring out the emotions?  Um, you lived it you fool face bag.  The emotions should be easy for you to express.  But whatever.  Anyhoo.  I decided to try to find a good definition of a writing coach and Renee (last name has been withheld to protect the innocent - namely me), who say this about herself being a writing coach and what she does:
            "I take writers (of all levels and genres) and provide them with tools and strategies to make 
            them the best version of themselves. And like a basketball coach, the goal is to provide enough 
            guidance that eventually, your students will graduate to the next level." 

Next we see Renee shopping for a fur coat.  Whatever.  NEXT!

Karen and her cousin decide to go visit some of Sammy's old places, like where he "worked" (wink, wink) and where she lived.  She tells very interesting stories - NOT!  CHECK PLEASE.

Renee is talking with her son AJ about his feelings about his father and the disappointments he's had.  AJ is the type of person to basically keep things inside, but he tells Renee he handles things his way.  She's concerned he's going to flip out one day.  She just wants him to open up more, but he won't.  I really do like the relationship Renee has with her son and I know she cares for him and he for her.

Drita and her daughter Aleeya are making a scrap book for her husband and she's talking to Aleeya about her father.  Aleeya tells her mother that waiting six hours (because that's how long the drive to the prison is) and then waiting some more time in the waiting room is not what she wants to do.  Drita takes this as Aleeya not wanting to see her father in prison and that it really hurts her (Aleeya).

      Song in the show: When I'm Small by Phantogram

Can switching to Geico save you 15% or more....Oh wait, I was so caught up in writing I started writing the commercial.  My bad.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

They show Renee and her son AJ watching Fox News and the Attorney General of NY is giving a press conference about the mob busts.  Renee states (voice over) that she received a phone call at 5:30am about the mob bust.  After watching the press conference (actually, I think Renee and AJ turned the TV off) Renee begins talking to AJ about all this and how he was without a father in his childhood and blah blah blah.  Trust me, it really was all blah blah blah.  You know those Charlie Brown cartoons and the way the teachers sounded when they talked?  That's how Renee was sounding to me.  I tuned a lot of it out.

Drita (at her house) is watching the news and is having a hard time watching it because having all these people arrested affects the family and causes kids to cry and so forth.

Renee calls a friend of hers to find out how Junior got arrested and exactly where is he located.  She states (in her voice, not to caller) that her phone hasn't stopped ringing since the news broke.  She states she hasn't had time to herself.  Oh she also states its all five crime families that were hit, The Banano, The Columbo (wait, isn't that detective in a trench coat - BAHAHAHA - hey, humor never hurt no one), The Genovese (and that's all the names given).

Since her and Drita (love me some Drita) aren't talking to each other, she decides to call Carla for support, but Carla had no idea whats was going on.  She stated she was at the gym.  Um, excuse me, but don't gym's have TVs?  Just asking.  Anyhoo. Carla tells Renee that she's at the gym and she needs to go home and take a shower.  Renee asks Carla if she can come over.  Carla again states she has to take a shower, but adds maybe she'll come over.  Renee is not happy to hear that.  She feels that Carla should just come over because  they live this "lifestyle" and know what each other are going through.  Again, Charlie Brown's teacher's voice coming out of Renee.  Drita decides the despite their fued, she would call Renee to check up on her because she knows what Renee is going through.  (Where's the AWWWWW sound machine when you need it)?  Drita keeps asking who's the rat.

Once they hang up Renee is mad...well more like disappointed, that Drita didn't come over to see her.  But you know, I kinda see why Drita didn't go over.  If I got into a big fight with a friend of mine, I would phone first and feel things out and then maybe go over.  Renee on the other would have put all the arguments and bitterness aside and been at your front door.  She believes strongly in loyalty.  All of the sudden, Renee doorbell rings and guess who it is?  DRUM ROLL's Boring, I mean Karen.  Yeah, of all people to show up, Karen does.

Carla is now at Drita's house.  Oh ok.  Now I get it.  Carla went to Drita's house to basically get Drita and go to Renee's together.  I personally think Carla could have told Renee that when Renee called her.

Carla and Drita are at Drita's kitchen table discussing the arrests.  Meanwhile at Renee's Karen says to the camera that she went to Renee's house to show support for her as one mother to another and not as gangsters.  Karen basically wants to put her and Renee's differences aside.  They talk so more and as Karen is leaving Renee tells her that she really appreciates her coming over and it means more to her than Karen will ever know.  Then Renee says, "So you know what's so funny? Out of all the girls that are my friends, you're the only one that came."  She has a good point there.  Oh hell, I think everyone makes good points.

Carla and Drita call Renee and Drita yells, "I wanna see you."  Renee explains that she's had a rough day and is mentally exhausted and that she needs to regroup.  So she basically shoed off Drita and Carla because she was basically over those two not showing up.

The rest of the show shows Karen talking to her brother about their father and then Renee going to see her therapist to talk about Junior and all she goes through.

     Carol loses her voices right before a big Christmas show solo but ends up the spokes woman for some
     olive oil company
     Peter is told he has no personality and ends up on VH1's the Surreal Life
     Greg turns 20 in real life but is playing a 17 year old
     Marcia gets hit in the nose with a football and ends up on Celebrity Fit Club
     and the rest of the gang just goes away.

Now, Next week on Mob Wives:
      -Renee gets into an argument with a bar patron, but then turns around and call Junior for backup (well we now know that Junior and safe and sound on the streets of Staten Island - I feel so much safer now knowing that)
And that's how we roll here on Staten Island - OK, I'm really in Nor Cal, but a girl can dream can't she?

Until Next Time,
All of one's difficulties stem from their inability to sit in a room alone.

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