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Monday, July 29, 2013

From Z to M = Acquitted to Canada: The Trial of Zimmerman, The Death of Moneith

So George Zimmerman was found not guilty of the crime of murder nor of manslaughter. Some feel his is guilty, but a conviction can’t be based on feeling only on facts presented. I’ve served on a jury and its all about the facts of the case that is presented to you. I’m not going to go into the every detail of what takes place in the jury room, but will say this; when you are back there you are handed papers which breaks down the charges. Charges are torn apart, broken down and given legal explanation of each charge. It may seem cut and dry when you are listening to the case,but once you are handed those papers and see each charge broken down and explained, what you felt out in the courtroom gets turned on its head and now you have to rethink everything.
Serving on a jury is not easy, no matter the case. I served on a criminal case involving an assault on a peace office with a deadly weapon. We did find the defendant guilty of the crime, at least I did, until we went in the deliberation room and papers were handed to us that broke down the case piece by piece with legal explanations for each piece. These papers made me question if the guy was guilty or not, but, as mentioned, we did eventually find him guilty.

As for Zimmerman, I was not there at the time of incident. I also didn’t follow the case on TV nor in the papers (online papers that is) and I can’t be mad about the outcome just like I can’t be mad about Casey Anthony getting away with killing her child. These two individuals have to live with the decisions they've made, not me.


 I live on Facebook (yeah, I was thinking the same thing of how sad that it is) because that’s where I get all my news and last night I learned of the death of Corey Monteith who played Finn on the TV show Glee. He was found deceased in a hotel in Canada Saturday. He was 31 years old. The article said noon, but I didn’t learn about it until late Saturday night, so I’m not sure when it actually occurred. Also, the cause of death has yet to be determined.

From my understanding, he had a history of drug abuse and such. This I don’t know for sure because I didn’t follow what this guy was doing and what issues he had. As a matter of fact, I stopped watching Glee after about the third season.

Someone on GetGlue compared Monteith’s death to Heath Ledger. I have to strongly disagree because Heath Ledger was a fine actor and Monteith well, was on Glee. Although a very popular show (err, I think it’s still popular), he won’t be remembered like Ledger will. Ledger will be remembers for a number of movies he has done, whereas Monteith will only be remembered for being Finn on Glee. I don’t mean this in a mean way at all, so forgive me if it is coming off that way.

I don’t know what they are going to do with the show now that Monteith is gone. They will probably kill off Finn and if they do, they can kill off the show as well. It used to be good, then it went downhill fast. The story lines became boring and Sue’s character become redundant.

The character of Finn was an major part of the show. Since this isn’t a day time soap, they won’t replace the character nor killing him off only to have him return as his long lost twin no one knew about. I hope they, the producers of Glee, do a Finn tribute episode. That one I will surely watch.

As for the actor, he will be remembered for portraying Finn on the hit TV show Glee and I hope that’s all he is remembered for and not for his troubles with drugs.