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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mob Wives: Dumb or Stupid - Everyone Was Kung Fu Fighting

Drita visits Carla
Drita is telling Carla about Karen being disrespectful on how Karen talked about Lee. Drita is basically done with Karen

Karen is meeting renee for dinner to talk about her confirmation with Drita.
Karen still feels like the situation was not resolved and that Drita owes her an apology.

Drita is getting a call from Lee
She asks Lee where she should put her next tat. He says on the back of her neck so the "horny mother f**kers" don't look at her. He say she likes the picture of the house but he wants pictures of her. She meals the last time she sent pics to him the guards sent them back because they were too sexy. She says shell send pics

Renee is meeting Carla for lunch
Carla tells Renee about the Drita and Karen incident. Renee clues Carla in that Karen feels that Drita is making light of the situation. Renee brings up Carla's boyfriend and feels that Carla could do better. Carla feels that things are fine and that he's good to her and all. Renee tells Carla she's having a dinner party at her house and doesn't want any drama and such. Renee wants to have all the girls there to kind clear the air

Lykkeli: Youth Knows No Pain
Rock Mafia: The Big Bang <-- this my song right here. Its even my ring tone. Holla!

Nikole, Renee's friend comes over and Renee talks about the jail mail she found. She said most of her friends were in jails and that was the only way she could keep in contact with them. Wait, I think she was referring to Junior being in prison so much. Renee wants to start a business called Jail Mail, Inc. ("We're not incorporated, we're incarcerated") in which the person who has someone in jail or prison can send a card for different holidays to that person via the Internet. What basically happens is that Renee would be the one doing it. You get the picture. Renee has been sitting on this idea for about 26 years. I think its a good idea. I won't have any use for it, but whatever.

Drita is getting clothes ready for her photo shoot for pictures to send to Lee. Her three year old is in the room with her and Drita says hear three year doesn't know who Lee is. Blah blah blah.

Renee is calling Drita to invite her over for dinner. Drita is asking if the kids are allowed and Renee says no that she wants just the girls to come and talk.

Drita is at Carla's house. Carla wants to fill Drita in on the conversation she had with Renee. Drita feels that it's non of Renee's business about her and Karens confrontation. Drita feels that Renee should mind her business. Drita asked Carla if she was invited to Renee's party and she says yes. Carla says that Renee said she doesn't want drama at the dinner and Drita says that if Renee brings up Lee it's on and poppin. Let the poplin begin.

Renee is at Magic City (a web design company) to get her web site created. Inc stands for incarcerated not incorporated and she's explaining how she wants her site to look like. She has really good ideas. It's really too much to type here but basically she wants the person to feel like they are in a prison corridor.

Drita is at her photo shoot. She takes great pictures.

Renee gets a call from Nikole and tells about her lunch with Carla and how Carla told her boyfriend and her boyfriend sent her (Renee) a mean text message and AJ saw the text message. Renee called him (the boyfriend) and the phone was on speaker so AJ heard everything and the names the boyfriend called Renee. The dinner was supposed to get the BS (and it doesn't stand for blood sugar either) out but now it's turning into more because of Carla's boyfriend.

Carla and Drita show up at Renee's house but they don't know about Karen who is to come later. Renee thinks that if Drita knew that Karen was coming she probably wouldn't come. They begin talking about tattoos and Renee shows her tiny heart on the back of her neck. Drita shows her evil eye she had tat on the back of her neck and its cool as hell. Drita said its used to wart off evil spirtis and those that don't wish well for her.

Since I couldn't find an actual picture of Drita's tattoo on line, I decided to do the next best thing. Take a picture of it via Mob Wives on VH1 itself. Thanks VH1.

All the talk of tattoos makes me want to get my second one soon. I might do it next month. I have two already, and my third one - wait - I digressed. My bad. Back to our show.

Renee takes the girls to the table and explains where everyone is sitting and Carla wants to know why is there are four settings and Drita wants to know who is coming. Renee says there's fours bitches.

Charles Bradley: No Time For Dreamin

OK. I am going to do the best I can to explain the words-a-cuffs that turned into fist-a-cuffs. I'm going to do the best Howard Cosell I can (for you youngsters - Google him and you'll find he was the greatest football announcer there was)


Drita figures that since they pulled the trick on Renee by inviting Karen without Renee's knowledge a few weeks back, that Renee is doing the same thing. Renee says I said three people are coming, three people, I was already here. Drita reminds her that she said it was specifically her Drita and Carla and Renee owns up to the lie and said that's the last time she'll lie because she doesn't lie. Carla laughs and this is where things are about to get harry. Carla feels that Renee is getting defensive about her laugh. Renee says she doesn't lie. She may enhance a story but she doesn't lie. Carla feels that Renee shouldn't voice her opinion about Carla's boyfriend but Renee feels different. She feels that she should say something to her friend about her boyfriend. Carla wants to know what issue Renee has and she states that Carla's boyfriend is a bit touchy when he drinks. Carla's boyfriend slapped or grabbed karen's butt and Renee finds that quite offensive. I think the same thing too, but Carla doesn't and just sees that as part of her boyfriend's character. Carla's boyfriend told Renee the other night (I'm guessing she means at Drita's b/d party) that Renee is jealous of Carla. Renee wants to know why she would be jealous of her. Carla said its because Renee didn't suck his cock. Renee is about to lose it. Oh by the way, Karen is not even there yet..she's just showing up and she can hear all this yelling outside. She has now walked into the dinning room. Karen wants to know what's going on and Renee and Carla rehash the whole thing. Karen agrees that Renee should give an opinion as Carla's friend. Karen explains that Carla's boyfriend grabbed her a** and that he's groper and then Carla says to Renee, but he didn't grab your a**. Oops. Time to go home kids. But I can't. I have to finish writing this. I hope I don't get hit with anything flying, like fists.

Carla feels that Renee should have said something to her that night it happened then Renee states she heard it happened. Carla states that she shouldn't say anything if she didn't see it happen. Renee is in the kitchen checking on the food while Carla is talking from the other room and Carla calls Renee a bitch. Renee goes back into the dinning room with her six guns a blazing.

Renee AND Carla is now face to face - LITERALLY. Now its about being called a b**ch. Drita and Karen are trying to break up Carla and Renee and Renee is telling Drita - (wait I haven't said it all during my blog - clears throat. MY GIRL DRITA! I feel better now). Renee is telling Drita to get away from her. Carla tells Renee not to mention her boyfriends name out her mouth and Renee says "HE'S A C**T!" Carla pushs Renee via Renee's face and those two go at it. Oh my gravy. I'm not even there and I'm nervous as all get up. Someone save me!

Damn, Drita is one strong woman. She breaks up Renee and Carla and trust me those two were locked in each other's hair. Drita had some help from Karen and possibly a producer because you could see someone else there, but that person was blurred out. I was wondering how a fight like that could go down without the producers not getting involved.

Carla and Renee are still yelling at each other.

See this is why I like Drita. Yeah, she can cuss like a stable boy and throw down better than Royce Gracie (Google him if you're scratching your head right now) but she doesn't like to see things like what took place to take place. It seems to really bother her, but if she's got to thrown down, she's all about doing it.

Karen pushes Carla and tells her to sit down and tells Renee to sit down too. Renee goes after Carla again and Drita and Karen try to stop her again. Renee brings up the text message her son saw and that's starts another brawl. Carla feels that Renee is just egging her own.

Drita to the camera (and I'm going to write it as she said it - usually, I try to mask some of the bad words, but going for it now), "Fuck it! If I'm going to fight I'm going to really hurt you and the way I'm going to hurt you is when I'm comfortable. And the way I'm comfortable is with no shoes" and she proceeds to take her shoes off. I think Drita was going to fight everyone because she said she wants punch everyone just to end it all. But just wants to break up the fight and try to get everyone to calm down. Drita is really trying to break them up and she's yelling this at Karen because Karen is getting on her about something. I couldn't figure it out. This is where I thought Drita and Karen were going to go at it, but they didn't. Renee is still going on about the text message she received.


The dinner fight continue and later Karen and Drita begin yelling at each about Drita dating Karen's ex without letting Karen know. Karen feels that Drita should have called her.

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