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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mob Wive: Do You Know Who I Am?

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Its the next day (in this case night) after the "great" mob bust (I can't help by laugh) and Renee feels she needs to hit the bar where a friend of hers works.  Renee orders up some Patron (holla).  Then she toasts to the mob bust.  Ok, if she was so stressed out over it why bring it up again?  Oh who am I asking.  Its Renee for crying out loud.  Anyhoo.  Junior's charges were gambling.  Really?  Then come arrest me because I'm a gambler...WAIT  - I was only joking...I mean about arresting me.  Junior made bail and his lawyers told him he's look at possibly 18 months instead of years.  Renee decides to have a psychic party in hopes of getting some good news. 

Drita and Carla take a walk and Drita (my girl Drita) says she needs to call Renee and "squash" this F'in problem.  Carla is encouraging Drita to do just that.  To the camera Carla states that Renee is sensitive and the only way to get things resolved with her is to have a face to face.  I say face to face and patron to patron. Who's with me?  Who's with me?

Drita texts Renee and says she wants to talk about what happened and  invited Renee to dinner.  I want to have dinner with Drita.  I just hope I don't make her mad and she puts me in a Peruvian necktie (UFC fans will know what I'm talking about).  

Renee reads the text and doesn't really by it.  She feels that Drita and Carla should have came over yesterday, but like Drita said, when someone says don't come over they mean don't come over.  Renee responds with "Sounds like a good idea..." because she does want to hash it out and get it over with.

Quick Side Bar:  Now, I was told that when someone ends a sentence with dots it means they have more to say, but just didn't.  Does anyone else agree? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Karen's is over at Drita's house.  Drita asks Karen about going to Renee's house and Karen's tells her the whole story.  Drita finds it funny that Karen and Renee are friends again and "gotten close" and she's (my girl Drita) is now on the outs.  Yeah, I find that funny and you're going to find it even funnier when you find out what Karen says to Renee about Drita.  To the camera Karen said if she had to pick sides she would pick Renee over Drita because Renee never double crossed her whereas Drita married Karen's ex-boyfriend, and she feels that her Renee has more of a family history.  Karen tells Drita Renee is having a psychic party.

Karen is now at Renee's house.  Renee tells Karen she's supposed to have dinner with Drita tonight.  Renee rehashes how Drita wanted to come over (three hours later the day of the mob bust) and Renee states she was nice about it but it was phony because she was so pissed off and Karen chimes in with, "pissed off because she said she wants to ring your dumb **** neck" (I don't think the beeped word was the F word, but I can't figure out what they are saying).  Now really Karen.  Was that necessary to be said?  You could have just listened to Renee and kept your flap shut.  

Two songs in the show so far: 
Big Bang by Rock Mafia (that's my theme song there) 
Hard Times by Plan B

Karen admits to the camera that she shouldn't have said anything because Renee is a drama queen and takes everything to heart.  Renee decides to cancel dinner with Drita via cell phone call and leaving a voice message.  Oh wait...Stop the presses - I think the missing word is twat.  I think!  Now Renee is going off about Lee not being a real bank robber and how if they were to play Mafia Wars (I think she means on Facebook) she would win and Karen chimes in with she might win.

At Carla's house Joe Jr is wrestling with is sister and saying cuss words and basically doing what he wants.  Carla states that her son is the hardest to discipline because he's not scared of her.  She could yell and yell and he wouldn't listen.  I say take a belt to his behind and few times and he might listen.  What happened to discipline?  SOME PLEASE TELL ME.  Oh woe is me.

Joe Sr. calls home and Carla tells him about Joe Jr and he tries to talk to Joe (via phone - really) telling him to behave and not to hit his mother and all this other stuff.  Really Sr.  Jr doesn't listen to his mother who is right there, do you really think he's going to listen to voice on a phone.  NEXT!  I like how Sr says mutha.  She's your mutha.  She's your mutha.

Drita is getting ready for her dinner with No Show Renee, but before leaving she checks her voicemail and learns of Renee's cancellation.  Drita is talking to the camera and saying that there should be a mood ring for Renee so people would know what mood she's in.  Drita is saying something else, but I don't know what.  Who cares, really.

Drita calls Carla to go have drinks.  The meet up and Drita tells Carla  that Renee cancelled.

Renee goes to see her therapist and per usual, she begins crying about something.

Drita and Carla are having manicures.  Carla is invited to Renee's party but Drita is not.  But Carla wants her to come along, but Drita really doesn't want to go with the way Renee is acting.  (I like the Ed Hardy shirt Carla is wearing by the way).

Renee's psychic party is going on and they just had tequila shots.  She wants all the women to be read (Carla and Karen are among the guests as well as AJ).  Karen is first to be read (via tarot cards).  Oh AJ is being read by another psychic.

Karen wants her father to have peace and the psycho...I mean psychic said that's won't happen in this lifetime sister.  BAHAHA...she didn't say those exact words - she said no miracle, meaning no miracle will happen to which all of Sammy's problems will go away.

AJ wants to know about his father, this psychic says she sees the judge coming down very hard on Junior.  She says Junior will be spending a lot of time alone this year but that he needs to change his ways.

Now Renee is about to get a reading.  Drum roll please:
The psychic tells Renee she needs to decide who stays and who goes in her life.  She goes over some of  
the cards that have been presented before Renee.  Not going to go into details with that.  But the lady did     tell Renee that she doesn't have a problem with guy friends, just with girl friends.  Well hell, I can relate to  that one about now.  The lady shows Renee the Aquarius card and Renee says that is Drita (not at the party but to the camera or a voice over - can't remember which).  The lady said this Aquarius is really good in a crowd, they can hide in a crowd, but what Renee needs to do is have a one on one with this person.  Carla says to camera that doesn't believe in psychics, but this one was right.

I couldn't find the sign of Aquarius card so I just took a picture of it from the TV show Mob Wives. Thanks goes to Vh1 (the actual channel) for allowing me (without them knowing) to photograph this picture and post it on my blog.  I will be waiting for the court documents telling me I'm being sued.

After hearing what the lady said she decides to reschedule the dinner with Drita.

At Carla's house Jr. is playing Angry Birds on an iTouch (I just had to point that out).  Her mother is over there helping with the kids homework.  Her and her mother talk about Joe Sr being in prison and how Carla has never told them that's where he is.  She knows she needs to tell them soon.

Drita and Renee are going to meet up for dinner at the Buddha Lounge.  Interesting place for two hot heads to have a sit down - Buddha Lounge.  Oh before Drita left her house she said (to camera) that she only apologizes once and when she does you better take it and run with it.  At dinner (no food was being served though) they both agree they both have hot tempers and neither of them back down to anyone.  Drita really takes in what Renee is saying and realizes that she's right and thus apologizes (for a second time) for her words.  They are laughing and still talking with menues in  front of them now.  Ahhhhhhhhhh, they hugged.  Drita is going to have the Lobster Explosion and Renee was just told (by the waitress) about drink called The Crazy Mama.  Renee feels its fitting and orders it. 
I have inter-seed and say this Buddha Lounge scene was fully of bad editing, but you would have to  have caught it quickly because they did a good job it making sure the cameras were on the women most of the time instead of the table.  But you would see glasses then no glasses then glasses - or menus then no menus and then menus again.

Renee and Karen are at a club having drinks (big surprise) and some guy comes over and is hitting on Karen saying he has pictures he wants to show her - sexual pictures.  He says he has sex written all over him.  Renee intervenes and tells the guy he should apologize and he says he's not talking to her and the two go at it.  But here's what killed me about the whole thing...Renee decides to call Junior to come defend her.  My thing is, her mouth is writing a check her ass can't cash.  She needs to call Junior to cash it.  Well in the end Junior and the guy talk it over (though you never actually hear the conversation) and the guy ends apologizing to Renee.  Renee walks away thinking she's big sh*t and all, like she's the one that put the guy in his place.

Next Week:

The gang is at a club (oh I'm so shocked that they would be at a club) and Drita is drunk off her behind.  Carla's boyfriends sits besides Renee and apparently says something inappropriate and Renee tries to walk away.  Drita (obviously the next day and sober Drita) is telling (I think her husband) that Karen is writing a book and he may be in it and he said he doesn't want to be in no book.  Um, so yeah, my TiVo cut off then.  I don't think there much more to the previews anyways.

Until next time:
When Alexander saw the breath of his domain, he wept, for their were no more worlds to conquer."

Courtesy of

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