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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ending Big Brother and Other Shows, But...

I work a full time job and blog Young and the Restless as well as blogging from my Thoughts From The Underground site.  I am looking to expanding my TFTU site so I am going to end blogging Big Brother and other shows until Mob Wives starts up again this fall.

Big Brother is on three times a week, two of them being Wednesday and Thursday and the last thing I wan to do is blog two shows in one night.  But I am thinking of writing posts about my feelings/opinions of somethings from the show.

I choose Y & R over Big Brother because Y & R is on every day and has been on every day for over 35 years.  I think I pretty much have a guaranteed job there on blogging the show.  Big Brother will be over in September and that will be the end of that until next July, in which I hope I am a constant.

Why Mob Wives?  Well, Mob Wives was my biggest draw to this site and still is.

As for my other blog Thoughts From The Underground, I want to start adding my thoughts and experiences with technology be it equipment or sites, as well as my thoughts, opinions and experiences on things around me.  I know a blog should focus on one thing, but I like my blogs to have a variety of things so more people are drawn to it. It is like a TV channel only having one theme in its shows.  After a while, people will begin to get bored, and thus, move to another channel.

Suds In The Bucket - Young and the Restless recaps sprinkled with sarcastic remarks by yours truly - daily.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Brother Wednesday 20 July 2011 POV

Dom feels that Adam stabbed him in the back so he has to win POV. Jordan feels that Dom is the threat but she doesn't trust Adam just the same but right now they are working Adam. Rach is not happy about Jordan's decision and says that Cassi was the target.

Dom is talking with Cassi and says he knew this was going to happen. He just not sure if he can trust Jeff/Jordan. He will find out at the POv ceremony. Cassi says he should make a better deal but he doesn't want to be a slave to them. Adam comes in the room. Lawson is in there too. Adam is saying something but Dom isn't buying any of it.


Adam is up in the HOH room with Jordan and says he trust them. She's telling him to sabotage the veto game and she promises him that he's safe.

Porsche is talking with Rach saying that Cassi needs to get out the house soon. Lawson says that with Porsche and Rach talking means they are up to no good.

Dani is talking with Dom. She tells him that she pushed and pushed to get Cassi out but that Jeff wanted Dom out. Dom says Jeff is a beep and Dani says yeah, no kidding. She says Rach can't keep her mouth closed and Jeff neither and they are going sink their own ship.

Rach and Dani are in the storage room and Dani says she wants Dom to win POV tomorrow and Rach says she does too. Dani is really pushing to get Cassi out. She says she doesn't hate Cassi but if she she's a (inaudible) shes going to take it. She asks Rach why did Jeff want Dom out and Rach says because Jeff does not trust him and Dani says she does not trust Cassi. Rach says she's trouble.


Outside, Brendon, Rach and Jordan are outside and Rach says the vets are legit. She begins to say that Cassi can't be trusted. Brendon says Cassi is supper shady. Jordan knows that Cassi said one thing to Rach about Porsche and now Rach is running with it to the point that it is ridiculous.


In the HOH room Jordan is talking to Jeff about Rach and Brendon and how they are in her face. Jordan says she does want to talk with Cassi and Jeff says so talk to her. Jordan is brining up how Rach doesn't trust her. Jeff is saying, to camera, that Jordan is HOH and they are going to do what benefits them right now. Jeff is frustrated with Rach and her over reactig to things.

Jordan is talking to Cassi and how people are throwing her under the bus and Cassi says she's not surprised. Jordan says the root of the jeolousy is due to Cassi being beautiful. To camera Jordan says that Rach is used to being the center of attention and she's jealous of Cassi. Cassi says to camera this is why didn't tell anyone that she s model because if this petty caddy stuff women do. (I tell you want - I have got stories fir her and Jordan about petty women).

It's time to pick players for the veto competition.

The host is: Dani

Big Brother will tell them when the competition will begin.


Rach pulls Braden into the storage room and asks if he is willing to change things. She's afraid that Jordan is easy influenced. Braden says she cant leave Jordan alone with Cassi. They want to make a deal with Dom by agreeing to pull him off the block and if it works they will have a lot of power in the house.

Rach and Dani are in the girls bedroom and Rach is telling Dani that if she and Bredan win POV they are going to take Dom off the block and put Cassi up. Brendon walks into the room. Dani, ,to camera says that if Rach takes Dom off the block it is going to cause a rift within the vets but she doesn't care because she won't be the target and Dom will still be in the house.

The veto competition is about begin.

There is a balance beam they have to walk across to get a large gum ball and chew on their way back and then place that chewed gum ball on a board. They have to do this until the gum balls make the veto symbol. They are playing as individuals and Dom is happy about this because now his fate doesn't rest on Adam who promised Jeff that he would through the competition. If they fall off the balance beam they will be disqualified unless they are willing to be on slop for two weeks to continue in the game. But if you fall a second time they are out for good.

Jordan is out and Jeff tells her not to take the slop deal.

Rach is mad that Jordan isn't taking the slop deal and says if the HOH isn't playing maybe we shouldn't either and this fumes Jeff.

Rach falls off but takes the slop to continue, but Rach falls again and is out for good. Braden asks her to give him the play by play of Dom, Jeff and Adams.

And the winner is: Dominic

Cassi is concerned she and Shelly will be the replacement Noms.

Jeff is telling Rach that he does not appreciate the remarks she made to Jordan. She storms off.

Brendon catches up to her and she tells him what she said to Jordan and he's not happy with her and says she shouldn't have said that. That she needs to play with her head and not her emotions. Jeff goes over where she is and gives her some more of his thoughts and she runs behind a bush and starts crying. Brendon is in the bush with Rach trying to calm her down.

Brendon talks her out of the bushes and they go in the house. She says she hungry and wants some slop. They head straight to the back room. Cassi says Rach's outburst takes the target off her back. Jeff and Jordan are up in the HOH room. Jeff said he's tried of it being The Rachel Show. Jeff thinks that Rach might be a liability. He's thinking backdooring her and Brendon.

Brendon said that Rach should apologize to Jordan but he said she needs to mean it. Rach is now having a pity party for herself.

Rach is now up in the HOH room and apologizes. Jeff saw it as a forced apology and that it was more from Brendon than Rach. Brendon/Rach leave. Jordan says that Rach is nuts and Jeff agrees.

Up in the HOH room is Jordan, Cassi and Shelly and Jordan says Cassi and Shelly are the last people she wants to put up. They are trying to convince her to backdoor Brendon and Rach. Jordan is conflicted. Should she do what's best for her or her alliance. Jordan tells Jeff about the conversation and he's all for backdooring Rach/Brendon.

Dom is at the cast wall looking at the people.

POV Meeting:
Dom is going to use the POV on himself and Adam

New Noms:



Sunday, July 17, 2011

Big Brother: Sunday, 17 July 2011 NOMS Are Announced

To camera: Jeff says Keith leaving is good for their numbers and they have pros he is on their side.

To camera: Dominic says that someone on Newbies has switched on the group.

Shelly is the one that voted for Keith to be evicted but non of the newbies know. She's the turncoat in the group.
Dominic, Kalia, Cassi and Shelly are in the Have Not room trying to figure out who the two turncoats are. Lawson comes and says he's furious about what happened.

Adam comes in and says he pretend to be on the vet's side when they approached about voting their way, but he really voted the way the Newbies wanted him to. While talking Dominic leaves the room. Adam sees this as a sign that Dominic is one of the guilty ones. Rach is in the room with them now and asks what's going on. Cassi said that someone on their side voted the opposite way. Rach asks if their are sides and Cassi no there aren't sides, but the majority wanted Porsche out. While Cassi is talking Rach just leaves the room. Cassi says she's not going to be bullied.

Dominic is in his room with Jeff (a room their share) and asks Jeff who were the two people that turned and Jeff says he doesn't know. Dominic said I thought everyone wanted to get Porsche out and Jeff said no one came to him about it.

Rach and Porsche are in the stock room doing the happy dance. Rach tells Porsche that Lawon was crying when Keith was voted out. Rach also tells her that Cassi told Rach that she (Cassi) doesn't like Porsche.

Adam doesn't trust Dom and Dom doesn't trust Adam. The way BB is showing this, is they are going between Turncoat Shelly and Adam talking and Dom and Cassi talking. Adam saying he doesn't trust Dom and Dom saying he doesn't trust Adam.

Dom wants to get Dani on his side.

Dom is talking with Dani. He's saying he doesn't trust his side anymore.

Rach and Cassi are in the kitchen. Rach is washing dishes and Cassi is looking for something to eat. Neither say anything to each other.

Its time to see Jordan's HOH room. Dom hates doing it. Jordan gets a letter from home. She's reading it.
Brendan comes in the backyard in the outfit he wore for the first Veto competition. Him and Dom make up a fight game. Dom is doing it only to get in good with the vets.

Adam is going to HOH room. Jeff wants to know what happened with the votes. Adam is explaining that he did vote for Keith even though he told the vets he would vote for Porsche. He says his alliance with the newbies is no longer there. Jeff is concerned if he can trust Adam again.

Dom is talking with Dani outside in the hammock. He's cutting a deal with her that if she helps him he will help her target someone.

Rach is telling Jeff/Jordan that Cassi is running the show. She wants to get Cassi out.

Have/Have Not competition is about to start:
They are dressed like ants with two people in one outfit. They have to grab a giant food piece from across the way and bring it back to their spot and drop it off. They have climb over a giant sandwich, crawl through a giants can of beans and over a giant hotdog while getting spread with ketchup.

Rach/Bredan won
are the Have Nots

But Kalia is hurt and can't get out of giant can. They have a medic out there to look at her. They are going to cut the suit off of them so they can get Lawon out of the suit. Kalia has been clear to continue on with the show.

America's Vote for food for the Have Nots is Jerky and Jelly Beans. Adam is enjoying the Jerky.
Dom is up in the HOH with Jeff/Jordan. He's telling them he can't trust anyone in the newbies and wants to go with the vets.

Cassi is going up in the HOH room now - Dom has already left. She says shell do whatever they ask her to do as long as they keep her in the house.

Jeff/Jordan is talking with Dani and wants to put Dom up but Dani feels that Dom is easier to be manipulated. Dani doesn't trust Cassi. Jordan wants to keep Dom in the house and get rid of Cassi.

Jordan is at the cast board to decide who she should put up for eviction.

NOM Ceremony is taking place:

Save are:
Porsche and Dani because they both have the Golden Keys


Reason: Jordan doesn't know where Adam and Dom's heads are out. She is concerned that if they win HOH next week they would put Jordan/Jeff up for eviction.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Big Brother - Thursday 14 July 2011 - Eviction/New HOH

Julie Chan is outside the house doing her spill.

Previous on BB is being shown since day one.

I'm not going to be typing what Julie says/does only what goes on with the house guests.
Now the show:


Keith and Porsche are talking. He says if she gets the Golden Key she deserves it, but she knows he's lying. She tells him that if he compagns against her she'll understand.

Lawson tells Dominic and Cassi that he wants Porsche gone. Dominic said that Adam will vote with him. Lawson said that Kalia will vote with him. Cassi says (to camera) she's loyal to Lawson, Dominic and Keith but after Keith's outburst she's concerned yet at the same time, she's convinced that he's loyal still lies with them.

In the HOH room its Rach, Jeff and Jordan. They want to get one of the newbie's on their side to get the votes to be equal and then Rach will have to break the tie.

The vets are hanging with the newbies and playing a game called Big Booty. They are only doing this to get in good with the newbies to be able to sway one of them to the vet's side. They are all outside now dancing and laughing and such. Dominic is not buying any of this. Adam and Brendan were playing some game that involved throwing small sacks on to a board. Rach called Brendan Bokie (a pet name they have for each other) and now the other house guests are calling him that and he's not happy. He's pulling Rach aside. They go up into the HOH room. He's a bit mad at Rach and tells Rach that he didn't like her yelling Bokie across the yard. She's laying on the couch and he's sleeping in the bed.

Its the next day and Rach and Brendan are outside and Rach apologises for calling him Bokie but says thats doesn't make him less of a medical professional. To the camera he feels that makes him less of man , her calling him Bokie.  Brendan is a complete idiot and if he's plan on being a doctor, I hope he isn't practicing in my area.

Brendan is talking with Shelly and says if they get rid of Cassi, Shelly is safe with the vets. Not sure how Cassi came into the picture, but I think he was referring to down the line.

Jeff tells Brendan, Rach and Dani that he had a good talk with Adam and he feels they still have Adam under their wing. They are going to have Adam think of a name for the vets - they are actually playing him right now, but I don't think he's falling for it.

Shelly, Cassi and Kalia are out back talking and think that keeping Keith is better for them since Porsche is with the vets. Shelly says to the camera she's playing both sides because she needs to look out for herself.

Cassi is talking with Adam now and says she wants to get rid of Porsche.


Julie is talking with the HG's and tells them Evil left the house and won't be returning. She shows a video he made for the house. Julie ask Dani if there's anything she wants to say to her father. Dani says a few words.

Julie tells the Noms they have one last chance to plead their case. Keith goes first and then Porsche.

The Voting Begins:

Dominic: Porsche
Brendan: Keith
Jordan: Keith
Cassi: Porsche
Lawson: Porsche
Jeff: Keith
Dani: Keith
Adam: Porsche
Kalia: Keith
Shelly: Keith

Keith is Evicted by a vote of 6 to 4 - Porsche gets the Golden Key. Keith goes out to talk with Julie. He says he wishes he played the game a little bit different like not throwing the veto competition because he thought he an alliance behind him. Julie brings up the fact that she said in the beginning to choose your partner carefully because they can make or break the game. He said all was going good until the vets came in the house and then Porsche went straight to them. Keith is now listening to good bye message from the remaining HG's.

The HOH Competition is coming up

Rach can't compete neither can Dani or Prosche

It's a golf competition where they have to try to get their ball in the hole or closes to the hole. Whomever achieves this is the new HOH

The new HOH is: Jordan

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big Brother - Wed 13 July 2011

Evil says he's happy with Rachel's nominations of putting Keith and Porsche up.

Keith sees Porsche going to the HOH room to talk to the vets and he's more than ever convinced that she's working with them.

Brendan tells Porsche that they aren't trying to backdoor her. She's says she's still on the block. He says she's the only person they all agreed they could trust and want to work with her down the road. Rachel (in the diary room) wants to know why Porsche is crying because Rachel put her up to give her the Golden Key (the Golden Key gives the person not evicted in the first eviction a free ride for the next four weeks). Brenden wants her to throw the Power of Veto competition. They assure her that she's fine and she has nothing to worry about it. But now they are all concerned that Porsche is not going to throw the competition.

Dominic goes into the Have Not room where Keith is and they do a celebration dance because they are trying to get Porsche out. Keith says he's going to throw the competition so Porsche is assured out of the house.

Keith is talking with Cassi and Kalia and saying he's going to throw the veto so the vets don't put anyone else up. Oh ok I get now. If he throws the veto and stays on the block, he's hoping the house, well the newbies will vote Porsche out and keep him, which means he will win the Golden Key. If he wins veto, the vets will put someone else up and Porsche will then stand a chance of staying. Kalia things Keith should talk to the vets but he said why because the numbers are on the newbies side. Kalia leaves and Keith is concerned that she's going to talk with the vets. He wants Lawson to talk with Kalia and make sure she votes with the newbies.

Evil has been summoned to the Diary Room. Its been a few hours now and Porsche asked Jeff if he's seen Evil and Jeff says no. To camera Jeff says that you would notice Evil in a half hour and now its been hours and there's no sign of him. Danielle, Evil's daughter, asks about her father. Jeff goes to check the bedrooms. Rachel is summoned to the Diary Room now. Before Rach was called in, most of the HG's thought Evil was still in the DR, but since she's been summoned they know something is up and are concerned.

Rach comes out and calls everyone to the living room stating she has something from Big Brother that she needs to read to everyone. It seems Evil has to leave do to some personal emergency situation. And because everyone is working in pairs and now Danielle doesn't have a partner, she is automatically given the Golden Key

The vets have to regroup. Rach, Brendan and Danielle are up on the HOH room. She's explaining that her dad lives and breathes BB and wouldn't leave for nothing. She's crying about her father being gone and she's mad because she can't compete in anything and she doesn't like the fact that she didn't earn the GK. The vets are concerned about themselves not that Evil is gone. Jordan just entered the room and said that Keith was smiling. Brendan wants to go confront Keith but they are all telling him not to. He's ranting and raving. Jeff just walked in. Everyone, except Jeff, thinks they don't have a chance at anything anymore, but Jeff feels they do and they need to stop boo hooing and do something about it.

Keith is celebrating Evil being gone. All the newbies are not happy with Keith's actions because they know that whatever reason Evil left it wasn't a good reason. Keith wants to expose Porsche and Kalia...Porsche for working with the vets and Kalia wanting him to go to talk with the vets. Keith goes into the kitchen...

The lights went out in my area at this point for a nano second, which is enough for Crapcastic, I had to wait for everything to reset and because of this, I lost a few minutes of the program.  Yeah, I have it on DVR, but if anyone know Crapcastic...well, anyways...onward!

The Pre Veto Competition:

Rach hands Danielle the Golden Key and now Danielle feels that this will be an advantage to her because she can now get to know all the newbies, not have to compete in any of the competitions - so basically she sits on the sidelines and observes everything.

Rach calls up Brenden, Keith and Porsche. The other duo competing is Jeff/Jordan. The host is Adam.

BB will inform them when the competition will begin.

Brenden, Rach, Dani and Jeff are bringing Porsche up to the HOH room to make sure she's on board. She says she's still willing to throw the competition. She wants Keith out of the house more than anything.

Veto Competition is about to begin.

They have to complete a puzzle on a mock skyscraper. The pairs are hooked together by a wire/rope/chord/something. When the person on the ground moves up or back, it either raises or lowers their partner. One person has to run across the yard and retrieve a piece and bring it back to their partner who is suspended in air. How high or how low the partner is able to go on the wall is determined by the position of the other person on the ground. Since Porsche and Keith is throwing the competition (without each other's knowledge) they are both messing up on purpose...Porsche on the wall and Keith on directions. Rach and Brenden won.


America's Vote:
What will the Have Not's eat for a week:
Choices for America to Vote on (text the number to 81818) or you can go online to and vote there.

1. Gum Drops and Grits
2. Jellybeans and Jerky
3. Rock Candy and Radishes

Rach, Brenden, Jeff are in the HOH room discussing what they should do now. They are going to feel everyone out to see who the biggest threat is and then put them up for nomination.

The vets first victims are Dominic and Adam . Rach and Brenden want to know where Dominic's head it at. They are making deals with them and Adam is on board. Now Lawson and Kalia are in the room. They are both playing the I Agree with you game. Now its Cassi and Shelly are in the room. Mind you, each couple is in there alone with Rach and Brenden. Cassi states that her concern is that the vets will look out for each first before they will look out for Cassi and Shelly and Shelly agrees. Cassi isn't saying what Rach wants to hear so she's consider using the POV and put Cassi up.

Rach is talking with Keith outside cutting a deal with him saying she will use the Veto on him if he promises, for the next two HOH competitions and if he wins, not to put up her or Jeff/Jordan and he's agreeing like nobody's business, but he has other plans in store.

Rach and Brenden are at the cast wall to decide on what to do.

Rach announces it time for the Veto Meeting:
Since it a duo game this season, the POV is also a duo thing so Rach/Brenden can remove Keith/Porsche and put up a new couple or keep them on the block. Porsche is pleading her/their case. Rach is not going to use the Veto on Keith/Porsche.

Keith is happy the nominations are staying the same because he thinks Porsche is going home. Porsche is also glad the noms are the same because she thinks Keith will be going home. She also looks at this as the vets holding up their part of the deal they have with her.

Until Tomorrow Night

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday 10 July, 2001 - Big Brother

DISCLAIMER:  There's a spoiler at the very bottom of this blog - at the very bottom as to not spoil the read for anyone.  The spoiler isn't even at the end, its beyond that.  I try to think of other people when writing my blogs and not post something others may not read, which mainly means, spoilers.

Left to Right: Adam, Cassi, Adam, Kalia, Keith, Lawson, Porsche, Shelly

The returning vets to play along are
Rachel and Brenden
Jeff and Jordan
Evil Dick and Danielle

Since one of the new twist is whomever survives eviction next week will get the Gold Key which means the non-evicted person will be free of being put up for eviction until there are 10 people left in the house (approximately 4 weeks). The bad part of this is the person cannot compete in any competitions, even HOH.

Immediately, Evil Dick begins making plans with Jeff, Jordan, Danielle, Rachel and Brendan to get rid of the newbies right away.

Danielle says, in diary room, that her and her father haven't spoken in three years but this is Big Brother and they have to talk.

Dominic makes alliances with Lawon, Cassi, and Keith

Evil Dick is trying to pull Porsche over to his side because he said they need one newbie on their side to make his plan work in getting everyone out the house and just leave the vets in. Porsche feels its in her best interest because they vets will go far.

Porsche was talking to Keith and said that she told Evil that she and Keith will vote whatever way they want which told Keith that Porsche is on the other side. He just told Dominic and Cassi what he learned about Porsche. They all agree they have to get her out of house.

The Have Not Competition is about to begin. Rachel comes out in a funky looking cow outfit. The Have Nots sleep in an uncomfortable bed and take cold showers in addition to eating slop for the week. The folks have to pick someone to play with and go in the back yard.

Red team: Kalia, Lawon, Shelly and Cassi

Green team: Adam, Dominic, Porsche and Keith

Blue team: Daniel, Evil, Jeff and Jordan

The Competition: each team must soak up as much milk as possible with their cow suit, run back to their pod and have as much of the milk squeezed out of them (by a teammate) to fill up their milk jugs (they have five to fill.

The Winners: The Blue Team

Second Runner Up: Green Team

The Have Nots are: The Orange Team

Evil wants to see the Have Nots bed room. The room looks like an insane asylum room...its all padded. The lights in the room can never be turned off ever. The beds are like on a slap with a very think mattress line up next to each other.

Jeff goes to see Rach and Evil in the HOH room. They state they have to win HOH every week for the next four weeks. Evil wants to get Adam on his side to have two newbies on their side. Jeff thinks its good to have Evil do dirty work.

Evil is out back with Adam cutting a deal with him. Adam is a bit weary because if its too good to be true, it usually is. He goes up into the HOH room where Evil, Rach and Brenden are. Adam knows that Evil is the puppet master and he's going agree with what he says in front of him, but in reality Adam is going after Evil.

Jordan and Shelly are talking about hunting and how Shelly hasn't hunted in 8 years because she enjoys doing girl things with her daughter. Shelly really likes Jeff and Jordan.

Jordan is meeting with Rach to figure out who to keep since the game changing information. They have to pick someone to keep instead of get rid. They want to keep Adam, but feels that Keith is dangerous and doesn't want to give Porsche a three week Golden Key. Evil comes in the room and says Porsche can be trusted and will do anything they want them to do. Rach isn't sure who to put up...Porsche and Keith or Dominic and Adam.

Rach is at the cast wall trying to decide who to put up while she's taking the keys out of the wall. She's up in her room putting the keys in the boxes minus two.

Nomination Ceremony:

Save: Brenden (by default because he's Rach's partner in the game), Daniellle, Evil, Jordan, Jeff, Lawon, Kalia, Shelly, Cassi, Adam, Dominic

Nominated: Porsche and Keith - Porsche is shocked to be put up when she agreed with the "All Stars". She thinks she a target. Keith said he didn't think he would be fighting so early in the game. He's hoping the Regulators will get his back.


Evil Dick ends up walking out of the show.  He goes into the Diary Room and doesn't come out. Apparently has to do with personal reasons.  I'm wondering if it has to do with Danielle.  We will find out Wednesday or someone will spill the beans on Facebook.