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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Big Brother: Sunday, 17 July 2011 NOMS Are Announced

To camera: Jeff says Keith leaving is good for their numbers and they have pros he is on their side.

To camera: Dominic says that someone on Newbies has switched on the group.

Shelly is the one that voted for Keith to be evicted but non of the newbies know. She's the turncoat in the group.
Dominic, Kalia, Cassi and Shelly are in the Have Not room trying to figure out who the two turncoats are. Lawson comes and says he's furious about what happened.

Adam comes in and says he pretend to be on the vet's side when they approached about voting their way, but he really voted the way the Newbies wanted him to. While talking Dominic leaves the room. Adam sees this as a sign that Dominic is one of the guilty ones. Rach is in the room with them now and asks what's going on. Cassi said that someone on their side voted the opposite way. Rach asks if their are sides and Cassi no there aren't sides, but the majority wanted Porsche out. While Cassi is talking Rach just leaves the room. Cassi says she's not going to be bullied.

Dominic is in his room with Jeff (a room their share) and asks Jeff who were the two people that turned and Jeff says he doesn't know. Dominic said I thought everyone wanted to get Porsche out and Jeff said no one came to him about it.

Rach and Porsche are in the stock room doing the happy dance. Rach tells Porsche that Lawon was crying when Keith was voted out. Rach also tells her that Cassi told Rach that she (Cassi) doesn't like Porsche.

Adam doesn't trust Dom and Dom doesn't trust Adam. The way BB is showing this, is they are going between Turncoat Shelly and Adam talking and Dom and Cassi talking. Adam saying he doesn't trust Dom and Dom saying he doesn't trust Adam.

Dom wants to get Dani on his side.

Dom is talking with Dani. He's saying he doesn't trust his side anymore.

Rach and Cassi are in the kitchen. Rach is washing dishes and Cassi is looking for something to eat. Neither say anything to each other.

Its time to see Jordan's HOH room. Dom hates doing it. Jordan gets a letter from home. She's reading it.
Brendan comes in the backyard in the outfit he wore for the first Veto competition. Him and Dom make up a fight game. Dom is doing it only to get in good with the vets.

Adam is going to HOH room. Jeff wants to know what happened with the votes. Adam is explaining that he did vote for Keith even though he told the vets he would vote for Porsche. He says his alliance with the newbies is no longer there. Jeff is concerned if he can trust Adam again.

Dom is talking with Dani outside in the hammock. He's cutting a deal with her that if she helps him he will help her target someone.

Rach is telling Jeff/Jordan that Cassi is running the show. She wants to get Cassi out.

Have/Have Not competition is about to start:
They are dressed like ants with two people in one outfit. They have to grab a giant food piece from across the way and bring it back to their spot and drop it off. They have climb over a giant sandwich, crawl through a giants can of beans and over a giant hotdog while getting spread with ketchup.

Rach/Bredan won
are the Have Nots

But Kalia is hurt and can't get out of giant can. They have a medic out there to look at her. They are going to cut the suit off of them so they can get Lawon out of the suit. Kalia has been clear to continue on with the show.

America's Vote for food for the Have Nots is Jerky and Jelly Beans. Adam is enjoying the Jerky.
Dom is up in the HOH with Jeff/Jordan. He's telling them he can't trust anyone in the newbies and wants to go with the vets.

Cassi is going up in the HOH room now - Dom has already left. She says shell do whatever they ask her to do as long as they keep her in the house.

Jeff/Jordan is talking with Dani and wants to put Dom up but Dani feels that Dom is easier to be manipulated. Dani doesn't trust Cassi. Jordan wants to keep Dom in the house and get rid of Cassi.

Jordan is at the cast board to decide who she should put up for eviction.

NOM Ceremony is taking place:

Save are:
Porsche and Dani because they both have the Golden Keys


Reason: Jordan doesn't know where Adam and Dom's heads are out. She is concerned that if they win HOH next week they would put Jordan/Jeff up for eviction.

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