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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Brother Wednesday 20 July 2011 POV

Dom feels that Adam stabbed him in the back so he has to win POV. Jordan feels that Dom is the threat but she doesn't trust Adam just the same but right now they are working Adam. Rach is not happy about Jordan's decision and says that Cassi was the target.

Dom is talking with Cassi and says he knew this was going to happen. He just not sure if he can trust Jeff/Jordan. He will find out at the POv ceremony. Cassi says he should make a better deal but he doesn't want to be a slave to them. Adam comes in the room. Lawson is in there too. Adam is saying something but Dom isn't buying any of it.


Adam is up in the HOH room with Jordan and says he trust them. She's telling him to sabotage the veto game and she promises him that he's safe.

Porsche is talking with Rach saying that Cassi needs to get out the house soon. Lawson says that with Porsche and Rach talking means they are up to no good.

Dani is talking with Dom. She tells him that she pushed and pushed to get Cassi out but that Jeff wanted Dom out. Dom says Jeff is a beep and Dani says yeah, no kidding. She says Rach can't keep her mouth closed and Jeff neither and they are going sink their own ship.

Rach and Dani are in the storage room and Dani says she wants Dom to win POV tomorrow and Rach says she does too. Dani is really pushing to get Cassi out. She says she doesn't hate Cassi but if she she's a (inaudible) shes going to take it. She asks Rach why did Jeff want Dom out and Rach says because Jeff does not trust him and Dani says she does not trust Cassi. Rach says she's trouble.


Outside, Brendon, Rach and Jordan are outside and Rach says the vets are legit. She begins to say that Cassi can't be trusted. Brendon says Cassi is supper shady. Jordan knows that Cassi said one thing to Rach about Porsche and now Rach is running with it to the point that it is ridiculous.


In the HOH room Jordan is talking to Jeff about Rach and Brendon and how they are in her face. Jordan says she does want to talk with Cassi and Jeff says so talk to her. Jordan is brining up how Rach doesn't trust her. Jeff is saying, to camera, that Jordan is HOH and they are going to do what benefits them right now. Jeff is frustrated with Rach and her over reactig to things.

Jordan is talking to Cassi and how people are throwing her under the bus and Cassi says she's not surprised. Jordan says the root of the jeolousy is due to Cassi being beautiful. To camera Jordan says that Rach is used to being the center of attention and she's jealous of Cassi. Cassi says to camera this is why didn't tell anyone that she s model because if this petty caddy stuff women do. (I tell you want - I have got stories fir her and Jordan about petty women).

It's time to pick players for the veto competition.

The host is: Dani

Big Brother will tell them when the competition will begin.


Rach pulls Braden into the storage room and asks if he is willing to change things. She's afraid that Jordan is easy influenced. Braden says she cant leave Jordan alone with Cassi. They want to make a deal with Dom by agreeing to pull him off the block and if it works they will have a lot of power in the house.

Rach and Dani are in the girls bedroom and Rach is telling Dani that if she and Bredan win POV they are going to take Dom off the block and put Cassi up. Brendon walks into the room. Dani, ,to camera says that if Rach takes Dom off the block it is going to cause a rift within the vets but she doesn't care because she won't be the target and Dom will still be in the house.

The veto competition is about begin.

There is a balance beam they have to walk across to get a large gum ball and chew on their way back and then place that chewed gum ball on a board. They have to do this until the gum balls make the veto symbol. They are playing as individuals and Dom is happy about this because now his fate doesn't rest on Adam who promised Jeff that he would through the competition. If they fall off the balance beam they will be disqualified unless they are willing to be on slop for two weeks to continue in the game. But if you fall a second time they are out for good.

Jordan is out and Jeff tells her not to take the slop deal.

Rach is mad that Jordan isn't taking the slop deal and says if the HOH isn't playing maybe we shouldn't either and this fumes Jeff.

Rach falls off but takes the slop to continue, but Rach falls again and is out for good. Braden asks her to give him the play by play of Dom, Jeff and Adams.

And the winner is: Dominic

Cassi is concerned she and Shelly will be the replacement Noms.

Jeff is telling Rach that he does not appreciate the remarks she made to Jordan. She storms off.

Brendon catches up to her and she tells him what she said to Jordan and he's not happy with her and says she shouldn't have said that. That she needs to play with her head and not her emotions. Jeff goes over where she is and gives her some more of his thoughts and she runs behind a bush and starts crying. Brendon is in the bush with Rach trying to calm her down.

Brendon talks her out of the bushes and they go in the house. She says she hungry and wants some slop. They head straight to the back room. Cassi says Rach's outburst takes the target off her back. Jeff and Jordan are up in the HOH room. Jeff said he's tried of it being The Rachel Show. Jeff thinks that Rach might be a liability. He's thinking backdooring her and Brendon.

Brendon said that Rach should apologize to Jordan but he said she needs to mean it. Rach is now having a pity party for herself.

Rach is now up in the HOH room and apologizes. Jeff saw it as a forced apology and that it was more from Brendon than Rach. Brendon/Rach leave. Jordan says that Rach is nuts and Jeff agrees.

Up in the HOH room is Jordan, Cassi and Shelly and Jordan says Cassi and Shelly are the last people she wants to put up. They are trying to convince her to backdoor Brendon and Rach. Jordan is conflicted. Should she do what's best for her or her alliance. Jordan tells Jeff about the conversation and he's all for backdooring Rach/Brendon.

Dom is at the cast wall looking at the people.

POV Meeting:
Dom is going to use the POV on himself and Adam

New Noms:



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