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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big Brother - Wed 13 July 2011

Evil says he's happy with Rachel's nominations of putting Keith and Porsche up.

Keith sees Porsche going to the HOH room to talk to the vets and he's more than ever convinced that she's working with them.

Brendan tells Porsche that they aren't trying to backdoor her. She's says she's still on the block. He says she's the only person they all agreed they could trust and want to work with her down the road. Rachel (in the diary room) wants to know why Porsche is crying because Rachel put her up to give her the Golden Key (the Golden Key gives the person not evicted in the first eviction a free ride for the next four weeks). Brenden wants her to throw the Power of Veto competition. They assure her that she's fine and she has nothing to worry about it. But now they are all concerned that Porsche is not going to throw the competition.

Dominic goes into the Have Not room where Keith is and they do a celebration dance because they are trying to get Porsche out. Keith says he's going to throw the competition so Porsche is assured out of the house.

Keith is talking with Cassi and Kalia and saying he's going to throw the veto so the vets don't put anyone else up. Oh ok I get now. If he throws the veto and stays on the block, he's hoping the house, well the newbies will vote Porsche out and keep him, which means he will win the Golden Key. If he wins veto, the vets will put someone else up and Porsche will then stand a chance of staying. Kalia things Keith should talk to the vets but he said why because the numbers are on the newbies side. Kalia leaves and Keith is concerned that she's going to talk with the vets. He wants Lawson to talk with Kalia and make sure she votes with the newbies.

Evil has been summoned to the Diary Room. Its been a few hours now and Porsche asked Jeff if he's seen Evil and Jeff says no. To camera Jeff says that you would notice Evil in a half hour and now its been hours and there's no sign of him. Danielle, Evil's daughter, asks about her father. Jeff goes to check the bedrooms. Rachel is summoned to the Diary Room now. Before Rach was called in, most of the HG's thought Evil was still in the DR, but since she's been summoned they know something is up and are concerned.

Rach comes out and calls everyone to the living room stating she has something from Big Brother that she needs to read to everyone. It seems Evil has to leave do to some personal emergency situation. And because everyone is working in pairs and now Danielle doesn't have a partner, she is automatically given the Golden Key

The vets have to regroup. Rach, Brendan and Danielle are up on the HOH room. She's explaining that her dad lives and breathes BB and wouldn't leave for nothing. She's crying about her father being gone and she's mad because she can't compete in anything and she doesn't like the fact that she didn't earn the GK. The vets are concerned about themselves not that Evil is gone. Jordan just entered the room and said that Keith was smiling. Brendan wants to go confront Keith but they are all telling him not to. He's ranting and raving. Jeff just walked in. Everyone, except Jeff, thinks they don't have a chance at anything anymore, but Jeff feels they do and they need to stop boo hooing and do something about it.

Keith is celebrating Evil being gone. All the newbies are not happy with Keith's actions because they know that whatever reason Evil left it wasn't a good reason. Keith wants to expose Porsche and Kalia...Porsche for working with the vets and Kalia wanting him to go to talk with the vets. Keith goes into the kitchen...

The lights went out in my area at this point for a nano second, which is enough for Crapcastic, I had to wait for everything to reset and because of this, I lost a few minutes of the program.  Yeah, I have it on DVR, but if anyone know Crapcastic...well, anyways...onward!

The Pre Veto Competition:

Rach hands Danielle the Golden Key and now Danielle feels that this will be an advantage to her because she can now get to know all the newbies, not have to compete in any of the competitions - so basically she sits on the sidelines and observes everything.

Rach calls up Brenden, Keith and Porsche. The other duo competing is Jeff/Jordan. The host is Adam.

BB will inform them when the competition will begin.

Brenden, Rach, Dani and Jeff are bringing Porsche up to the HOH room to make sure she's on board. She says she's still willing to throw the competition. She wants Keith out of the house more than anything.

Veto Competition is about to begin.

They have to complete a puzzle on a mock skyscraper. The pairs are hooked together by a wire/rope/chord/something. When the person on the ground moves up or back, it either raises or lowers their partner. One person has to run across the yard and retrieve a piece and bring it back to their partner who is suspended in air. How high or how low the partner is able to go on the wall is determined by the position of the other person on the ground. Since Porsche and Keith is throwing the competition (without each other's knowledge) they are both messing up on purpose...Porsche on the wall and Keith on directions. Rach and Brenden won.


America's Vote:
What will the Have Not's eat for a week:
Choices for America to Vote on (text the number to 81818) or you can go online to and vote there.

1. Gum Drops and Grits
2. Jellybeans and Jerky
3. Rock Candy and Radishes

Rach, Brenden, Jeff are in the HOH room discussing what they should do now. They are going to feel everyone out to see who the biggest threat is and then put them up for nomination.

The vets first victims are Dominic and Adam . Rach and Brenden want to know where Dominic's head it at. They are making deals with them and Adam is on board. Now Lawson and Kalia are in the room. They are both playing the I Agree with you game. Now its Cassi and Shelly are in the room. Mind you, each couple is in there alone with Rach and Brenden. Cassi states that her concern is that the vets will look out for each first before they will look out for Cassi and Shelly and Shelly agrees. Cassi isn't saying what Rach wants to hear so she's consider using the POV and put Cassi up.

Rach is talking with Keith outside cutting a deal with him saying she will use the Veto on him if he promises, for the next two HOH competitions and if he wins, not to put up her or Jeff/Jordan and he's agreeing like nobody's business, but he has other plans in store.

Rach and Brenden are at the cast wall to decide on what to do.

Rach announces it time for the Veto Meeting:
Since it a duo game this season, the POV is also a duo thing so Rach/Brenden can remove Keith/Porsche and put up a new couple or keep them on the block. Porsche is pleading her/their case. Rach is not going to use the Veto on Keith/Porsche.

Keith is happy the nominations are staying the same because he thinks Porsche is going home. Porsche is also glad the noms are the same because she thinks Keith will be going home. She also looks at this as the vets holding up their part of the deal they have with her.

Until Tomorrow Night

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