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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pan Am - All Flights Have Been Cancel or It Should Be

I watched the premiere of Pan Am and I have to say I am not a fan and basically zoned out about half way through.

There aren't any likable characters on there at all for me Not even Christine Ricci holds my attention.

I just don't see any of the story lines going anywhere. They can end all the story lines in next week's episode and then shut down the terminal.

I realize this is the first show and I should give it time, but my attention span is very short and if I am not shown something within the first episode there's not need for me to stick around.

I'll be trading my ticket in for another flight.

The Playboy Club Holds The Key

For a while there hasn't been a good TV show for me to watch and stay on top of.  For some, there's The Good Wive, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives and so forth.  I never watched The Good Wife, can't stand Grey's Anatomy, watch Private Practice and here and there and would never watch Desperate Housewives.  Yet, I will watch shows such The Real Housewives on Bravo (minus New York), The Real World (MTV), Mob Wives (VH1) and other guilty pleasure shows.  It wasn't until The Playboy Club came on, that I realized how much I missed and enjoyed an actual TV show with fine performances and a great storyline(s) that can be built upon from here until eternity.  And that show for me is The Playboy Club.

Set in the early to mid sixties, the show focuses on, none other than, the Playboy Club in Chicago, Ill.  The frequent patron of the club is Nick Dalton (Eddie Cibrian), and lawyer on the rise, who is seeing one of the original bunnies played by Laura Benanti.  But along comes a new bunny played by Amber Heard.  The pilot of the show involves a murder, a supposed love triangle, mobsters, lawyers, lies, truths and everything in between all of them.  Oh yeah, there's also civil rights and gay rights story lines added, but not over powering or over the top.  Just enough to make its points and move on, which makes for a very interesting show, to say the least. 

What I enjoy about the show thus far, is nothing is shoved down your throats.  You get a bit of history of the club with a whole lot of "how are they going to get out of this one" to "they are getting in deeper and deeper".  But above it all, you have some very likeable characters. 

I watched the first episode, and started the second one last night, but I was hooked with in the first five minutes of episode one.  My only gripe about the show is Bunny Maureen (Amber Heard).  She seems out of the place for me as someone from the sixties.  She looks more modern day and it throws me off just a tad, but not enough that I can't enjoy the show and wonder what's going to happen next.  Oh, by the way, Bunny Maureen killed mobster with the heal of her show when he tries to rape her in the back room.  And the mobster isn't just any ole mobster, he's head of the Bianca Crime Family.  Which is the same crime family that helped Nick get where he is today.  A hot shot lawyer.

Nick helps Maureen get rid of the body but dumping it into a river.  And that's when things go from bad to worse, but in a good way, because it keeps you coming back for more.

So far we have seen the back of Hefner's head and bits and pieces of the Playboy Mansion.  But I'm sure in due time, we will see more of Hugh and the Mansion.

I think The Playboy Club has a chance to be around for a while for it holds the key to a great drama with a murder mystery involved.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Sandwich King is Leaning

One of the shows I look forward to each year is The Next Food Network Star.  I enjoy cooking shows as it is, but can't cook a lick (but I can write you a hit song and fix your computer - insert laughter), and this show definitely isn't any different.  What I enjoy most about it is seeing amateurs grow as cooks and as chefs.  Watching them also helps me understand the cook a bit better because we are seeing, a mentioned, amateurs, and their raw talent and how they came to hone their skills in the kitchen.

I remember the third season of the show and the winner, Amy Finley, wasn't to begin taping her show until, I believe, a week after she won, but instead, she copped out.  Apparently, Amy couldn't deal with the pressure of having her own show.  My question is how does having your own show differ in pressure than what you went through in the competition.  But I'm just a viewer looking from the other side of the TV screen.

This year's Season 7 winner was Jeff Mauro, who's Food Network Show is titled The Sandwich King.  As with all the winners since Season 3 (which is when I began watching) I like to watch their new shows.  I should add that what Food Network has done differently since Season 3 is the winners now have to start tapping their show the very next day after winning.  If Amy thought having to tape a show a week after winning, she should try taping the show the very next day.  That doesn't give you much time to rest up and plan things.  And what I have seen of the winners, they can hold their own against the veterans already on Food Network like Rachel Ray, Giada De Laurentiis, Bobby Flay and Tyler Florence, to name a few. And this season's winner was no exception.  But what stood out more with Jeff than the others was the sandwiches.  If there's one thing I love more that breakfast for dinner is sandwiches and learning of different sandwiches from the self proclaimed Sandwich King was right up my alley.  On The Next Food Network Star he was very likable and funny and had a confidence about him without being cocky.  He enjoys what he does and takes pride in his work.

I watched Jeff's show two times and could not watch anymore and the reason being is this picture:

Him leaning on that FRACKIN counter!!!  When the show starts, he's leaning on it while talking.  During the show he's leaning on it while talking and at the end, sometimes, he's leaning on it while talking.  I don't know why that bugs me so much, but it does.  I think because it looks like he's trying to hard to be cool or hip, or something and he doesn't have to be cool, hip or anything.

I had a virtual conversation with someone about this particular issue I have with his show and they stated that is he is just starting out and maybe down the line he won't lean on the counter anymore.  I sure hope so.  If he stops doing that I will back to watching, but until then, I'll stick to Kinder's.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Talk Is Worth The Conversation - But Chen Has The Last Word

I was very skeptical of The Talk when it was being advertised.  I thought to myself, 'not another The View', and 'they are going to be just like The View and they can't'.  Although I had lost complete interest of The View after watching for only one seasons, the year before last and last year, I didn't want to see another show that was either trying to be like it or worse than it.  Worse meaning, having one person on there that think they know everything and won't let others get their point in.  But I was wrong.  The Talk is nothing...NOTHING, like The View.  And the main difference for me is, I like all the women on The Talk (that's on there now, Season 2) and not a fan of the majority of the women on The View.

L to R: Holly Robinson-Peet, Sharon Osbourne, Julie Chen, Leah Remini, Sara Gilbert

I started watching the show towards the end of Season 1 when Leah Remini, Holly Robinson-Peet, Julie Chen, Sara Gilbert and Sharon Osbourne made up the hosts of the show.  Season 2 saw Holly and Leah gone and replaced by Sheryl Underwood (hilarious person - you probably remember her from Beauty Shop as the woman who came into the shop with a food cart selling soul food and monkey bread) and Molly Shannon (Saturday Night Life alum).  Sharon isn't on as often, as she wants to spend more time with Ozzy, so Kris Jenner fills in at times.  I have to admit that I'm not missing Holly that much.  She seemed a bit serious for my taste, but Leah was funny and not as uptight.

 Sheryl Underwood

What I really enjoy about Sheryl is her sense of humor.  She comes up with the craziest things, but at the same time she makes some good points about things.  She has a way of combining her humor and her seriousness that even if you disagreed with her, you would still laugh and probably think about what she said.  She comes across as being very down to earth and doesn't take herself to seriously.  

As for Molly, I like seeing a more serious side of her.  She's not you pain-in-the-ass serious person at all.  I guess what I'm saying is, its nice seeing Molly and not one of her many characters.  I hope these two women stick around for more seasons.

Kris Jenner

As for Kris Jenner, I don't have much say, good or bad about her, so I'll end it there with her.

The format hasn't changed, just the hosts.  They do their morning round table and talk about things in the media or everyday life.  Afterwards they bring on a guest or two.  

As mentioned, I do enjoy the show and hope they keep the current hosts around for a while.  For some reason, I can relate to these women more than I can to the women on The View.  I feel like I could go up to any of these women and wouldn't be given the cold shoulder treatment or even worse, a fake "hi".

And as the title says, The Talk is worth the conversation.

UPDATE:  A friend turned me on to an article about Julie Chen and her being responsible for Leah and Holly being let go.  Read it here:

I am going to do more research and report back.

UPDATE 11:22AM PST 25 SEPT 2011:  I won't be watching The Talk anymore due to information I read about Chenbot.  So, my statement above is true up to today. 

America's Next Top Branded Model

This season of America's Next Top Model has brought back, who they considered were fan favorites.  They call them Superstars or All Stars - something like that.  I knew at some point ANTM would have to do an "all star" episode, since just about all the other reality shows of this nature have, minus American Idol and other "talent" shows.

 Starting on the Top Row (from left to right): Shannon (1), Camille (2), Brittany (4), Bre (5)
Lisa (5), Bianca (9), Dominic (10), Isis (11), Sheena (11), Allison (12), Laura (13), Angelea (14), Kayla (15), Alexandra (16)

This past Wednesday they focused on branding because as with any product is it synonymous with one word, such as Safety (Volvo).  But before they got to the whole branding and why its important, Sheena was standing in the kitchen talking to - I can't remember her name - I think it was Laura about how she wants to be the first Asian America's Next Top Model because there has never been one.  As she puts it, all the Asian models are from Asian or Europe and skinny and edgy and she's more entertainment.  A few minutes later Tyra shows up at the house with Martin Lindstrom, who is the branding expert.  Martin gives each girl their brand name but not before ripping them all a new one on how people perceive them.

The Brand Names Given to the Models:
Shanon - Trustworthy
Dominic - Survivor
Allison - Unique
Angelea - Persistence
Bre - Girlfriend
Camille - Proud
Isis - Inspiration
Laura - Loveable
Alexandra - Tough
Bianca - Candid

After Martin leaves, Dominic and Camille are upstairs talking about what just took place and them wanting to win and such, but as they are talking, Bianca is walking by and for some unknown reason, thinks they are talking about her.  I am not a fan or Bianca's at all...AT ALL!  I think she's an evil person.  I remember how she was the first time she was on the show, and she was just a mean person - very mean and took pleasure in torturing others.  In her room she proceeds to tell Bre and this other girl (can't remember who it was) that Dominic and Camille were talking about her and as she telling them this Dominic ends up in her doorway and Black Heart (Bianca) goes off on Dominic and Dominic is shocked and liked she said, "Talk about deer in headlights" all the while, Black Heart is still going off.  After she's done showing her psychopathic self even more, Dominic says she doesn't know what Black Heart is talking about and leaves.  And I don't blame Dominic for leaving.

Later, they head over to Siren Studios where they meet J. Manuel and he's talking about the photo shoot they are about to do when Miss. J shows up with Ashlee Simpson.  They again bring up branding and how your image is your branding as well and thus they are going for a makeover. Or as they refer to to it: Tyover due to Trya deciding on all the haircuts/hair do's and so forth.

Alexandra is getting her hair cut shoulder length and after its done she loves it.  One of the girls thinks that Alexandra is over doing her like of the hair cut, which she very well might be, but I think she's trying to change a bit from the hard-ass to a more relaxed person and embracing things more.

Sheena is not having anything different done to her hair.  Keeping it long and black.

Bre is getting her cut shorter and she's not happy at all, especially when they start cutting.  They keep her hair about the same length on top (don't go by the pictures at the beginning of the post for they are old - I'll try to find a current one) but on the sides, they do shave it off and she has a bit of fuzz there and the hair cut looks really cute.  But Bre, being the baby she is, and being the best friend of Black Heart (so we have Black Heart and Cry Baby in the house), she runs off to another room and tell a producer that she wants someone to call her aunt to come get her because she's leaving.  She said when the hair cut started she was mad, but now she's at a rage.  The producer, for some unknown reason, talks Cry Baby into staying.  It could be for ratings, knowing that if this crazy broad is getting upset over a hair cut, there's no telling what else she's going to get upset over.

 Here they are during the current season before the makeover.
From left to right: Standing: Sheena, Camille, Angelea, Alexandra, Bre, Kayal
Sitting L to R: Isis, Lisa, Dominic, Brittany (the one behind Dominic), Laura
I don't see Black Heart or Shannon

Lisa gets her hair cut short and is complaining to Miss J, but eventually she accepts it and begins to own it.  Good for you Lisa.  Now can you tell Cry Baby to suck it up and put on her big girl pants.

Kayla is having her hair dyed back to red.  I thought she was going to be a complete red head like she was when she was on the show the first time, but instead, she has red through her black hair and it looks really good.

After the Tyovers, Miss J walks in and says its lunch time.  With him he has some hotdogs, but then they (Miss J and J. Manuel) explain that the hot dogs are from Pinky's, a famous hot dog stand in L.A and the girls are going to make a hot dog based on their brand that they were given earlier by Linstrom.  After they make their hot dogs they are going to do a photo shoot and the winner of the shoot will appear on the web site for Pinky's.

They all head back to the house where they receive Tyra-mail which informs them that tomorrow is elimination day.  So now the nerves are going and everyone is speculating on whom will be going home.

At elemination, the winner of the hot dog photo shoot is revealed: Lisa

And the one sent home is: Sheena


The girls are interviewed by Mario Lopez of Extra
They do a photo shoot on stilts and Black Heart is afraid of heights, but its a group photo shoot and she's is in a group with Lisa and someone else.  Lisa says that if Black Heart don't get it together Black Heart is going to have to run, because Lisa is going to chase her down.

The Middle Was At The Bottom

I am a big fan of The Middle.  I began watching the show on October 27, 2010.  Yeah I remember the exact date - because one, it was my birthday and two, we were staying the night at my partner's sister house on our way to Disneyland the next morning.  Up to that point I had never seen the show and had no intentions of seeing it.  Since viewing that show on that night I have become a fan. 

I rented the first season of The Middle from (ahem) Netflix and enjoyed it.  Its not one of those shows that keep you in stitches, but it keeps you entertained.  You don't have stay pinned to the TV to watch it either.  I usually watch it while doing something else and can keep up.  But when something happens or is said you find yourself laughing really hard - at least I did.

As you know, with (ahem) Netflix they send you one disc at a time (at least that set up I got) so when I finished the disc I had to wait two or three days for the next one.  Well, with The Middle I couldn't wait and ended up purchasing the first season and just now, I pre-ordered Season 2 on Amazon.  After the first disc, I put The Middle on record to get myself caught up the best I could and was looking forward to the new season to start.  However, I wasn't too impressed.

Today, I watched the premiere of Season 3 of The Middle via ABC To Go app on my iPad and there are usually parts that end up being funny or really funny, but I didn't find this episode on the funny side.  I was rather bored, but because I love everyone in the family, Brick being my favorite, I watched.

The premise of the show was Frankie wanted to take the family on vacation before the new school year started.  Oh wait, let me back up a bit.  The show opened with everyone either leaving for school or going to work.  Before each departed they were very loving to each other and even did a group hug on the porch.  I at first thought Frankie was dreaming or something, but the scene was real and then she explained how it came to be.  It had to do with the camping trip they took.

Frankie says that she is always the one to take in people's mail while they go on vacation and this time she wanted to be the family that went on vacation.  But the problem is they can't afford to go on a vacation somewhere, so Mike came up with the idea of them going camping like he and Frankie did for their honeymoon.  As planned and a few threats to the kids, they all end up going camping and like anything they do, it turned into a disaster. You can watch it at

There were funny parts, but, as mentioned, nothing exciting.  Oh Ray Ramono showed up and they could have seriously left him out of the episode.  He wasn't funny on his own show, so why is he coming her to ruin this one?  Who gives a flying skippy if him and Patricia Heaton were on a show together, still didn't make it right or enjoyable to see him.

I will continue to watch the show for I do enjoy it, but I hope it picks up the pace like has done in the past.  I think with the kids going back to school, it will do its job of being a typical dysfunctional family.  I am just wondering what they are going to do with the kids when they go off to college (referring to Sue and Axl - Sue is just starting Freshman year and Axl is going into the 11th grade so we have a few years to go with both).

I hope they don't change Brick from being a book worm or him whispering certain words he uses at the end of sentence.  I love how nothing bothers him as long as he has his books and inclined to go with him on that one.

If you haven't seen The Middle, trying getting the first season. It will help to understand the show a bit better.  You don't have to, but you might want to.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Housewives of Beverly Hill - After The Tragedy The Show Must Go On

From left to right: Camille, Taylor, Lisa, Adrienne, Kyle and Kyle's Sister Kim

Last night (5 September 2011) was the premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and it's on the heels of the recent suicide of Taylor's husband Russell. Before the show began they showed the ladies and one husband (Kyle's) at one of the housewive's house to discuss the tragedy. I cant remember if Lisa's husband, Ken, was there or not. This particular taping took place on 29 August 2011. Now, I may be talking out of line right now, but I have to say I didn't think it was necessary nor did I feel it was real. This season of the show had already been filmed and set for air when Russell took his life. Bravo stated they were going to edit the show and thus push back the premiere date. They may have edited the show, but the premiere date was on target.

I can't really explain the pre-show show because I wasn't paying attention. As mentioned it found it unnecessary and unreal. They could have just started the show with the disclaimer that the show was filmed before Russell's death. The coming together of the women and some of the men and their feelings on the tragedy could have been saved for the reunion show. I think it would have been best served there. Again, I can't explain why I feel this way. It's just something I feel.

The premier of season two had Adrienne hosting a dinner party and all the lady's were invited. Before the dinner party they showed Adrianne preparing for it and for some reason, getting into arguments with her husband. Season one showed those two arguing but it was all in fun. You could tell that their arguments weren't that serious, but the opener this season seemed to focus on it. It was if they are trying to make Adrienne and her husband the problem couple for this season. Whatever. On to the dinner party.

Taylor made the comment that her and her husband are seeing a therapist. Lisa's husband Ken said that people who see therapist are week people. MISTAKE! Taylor took it to mean that Ken was saying she is weak. Per usual, shed got the hurt look on her face and ran off to the bathroom. Kyle being the person she is, ran off behind Taylor to make sure she was OK. A few minutes later Lisa goes to the restroom and catches Taylor talking with Kyle about Ken's remark. Lisa feels that Taylor is manipulative and spins stories to her liking to get people on her side. Lisa leaves the restroom and goes back to the table. Taylor and Kyle arrive shortly thereafter. Taylor expresses how she felt about Ken's remark and he apologises to her.

That was basically it of that show. The previews of the season didn't show Russell in any of the scenes but it did show some lady named Brandy who seems to have an issue with both Taylor and Kim. One scene showed Kim and Brandy getting into a physical confrontation. We will see how the season plays out.

Adrienne, Kim, Lisa, Kyle (Kim's sister), Camille, Taylor

The Debt - Movie Review w/ A Strong Opinion (Contains possible spoilers)

The Surgeon of Birkenau has escaped prosecution for crimes against humanity and is living in East Berlin as a doctor. He is being sought after by two men and a woman (the Mossad secret agents) who are seeking to bring him to justice that he has alluded for 20 years. Kept captive for a number of weeks he finds a way to break free. Not to be shamed for losing one of the most sought after Nazi war criminals the three people tell a story of how when he tried to escape, he was shot dead by the female. This is the story they would carry with them for 30 years - from 1966 to 1997. But how long can one, not to mention three people carry a secret before one snaps with guilt and the truth is revealed and the shame they have tried to avoid comes to light.

The premise sounds better than what the movie produced. The Debt, a remake of the Israel's Ha-Hov (2007), was directed by John Madden (Proof, Shakespeare In Love) and stars Helen Mirren (Queen), Sam Worthington(Avatar), Tom Wilkinson (Michael Clayton), and Claran Hinds (Munich). With a fine cast, how could a movie go so wrong? I will tell you how - by spending too much time in the past. I feel they should have spent more time in 1997 with quick shots of the past or the characters speaking about the past which would would have gotten us caught to the present scene. Granted this may have be a bit confusing and tiresome for some people, but I am one of those viewers who enjoys being confused and have to put the pieces together to get the whole story. I personally believe too much was revealed in the past. No element of surprise in some instances.

For example: Rachel's daughter was not David's daughter but rather Stephan's daughter. This was revealed in 1966. I feel they could have kept this secret for the audience until 1997 when she met up with Stephan at her daughter's book reading/signing dinner (believe that's where they were).

I must back peddle a bit with regards to the past being shown too much. I find the scene in which they captured the surgeon and were trying to transport him back to their hideout was well written and well executed by the actors. Especially when part of their scheme involved the Berlin Wall and a train that passes through there but is not allowed to stop. But the weeks they were held up in the house with each if them taking turns watching and feeding the surgeon was long and drawn out. I was more interested in 1997. What happened in the past is just that, the past. It is what is happening now and how one is going to handle the here is now that is more important.

I understand we needed to know what took place back then that got the three people to where they are in 1997, but flashbacks or quick stories would have sufficed, to me.

I say, leave the audience wondering about somethings and close up what needs to be closed up.

Now the "scientific" part of the film. I was speaking to a friend of mine about the film and said that I didn't care for it and gave my reasoning. Besides the ones I pointed out my other reasoning of not liking the film was I was over thinking the ages of the surgeon and of David. Hence the name of my blog, Burnt Thoughts.

If the captured the surgeon in 1966 and we are now a little bit over 30 years later, that means the surgeon would have to be in his late 80's which would make him in his late 50's in 1966. And if we go back to when the camps were liberated which was 1944/1945, that would make him in late 30's early 40's and from the pictures they showed of him, he looked older that 40.

David, one of the agents set about to capture the surgeon, was turning 29 in 1966. From the story they told in the hide away house and from what I could gather, David was in a camp with his family. If that is the case then David would been eight.

So, yes, I really, REALLY, over thought the movie. But this is why seeing movies dealing with this subject matter is difficult for me to watch. I am too busy trying find the truth in small details something that perhaps the story teller is not that interested in providing small details. That's why they say, the devil is in the details.

I am currently on a mission to find the original movie, Ha-Hov, in order to compare the two - mostly for the details. I could just as easily Read the book as well. Which I just might do. But after the Pretty Little Liars series.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

When the PROJECT is a RUNWAY

I don't know that much about fashion but this show is one of my favorites to watch and have been since about season two or three. Usually on the shows of this nature I try to learn a little bit just in case I want to get into Harvard and one of the questions on the entrance exam is about Project Runway (Insert laugh machine). But I haven't learned anything from this show, but I love the show just the same. 

For those not familiar with the show, it allows amateur designers a chance to showcase their sewing talents, design talents and overall creativeness by creating outfits each week. Their outfits are displayed via a model during the runway challenge in which after all the outfits have made their debut, the judges which consist of Heide Klum (also the creator of the show), Michael Kors, Nina Garcia and a guest judge make a decision on which design they felt was the best (that person wins immunity for the week and can't be eliminated in the next challenge ( no immunity necklace is draped around their neck though). The loser of the runway challenge is sent packing. The last person standing at the end of the season gets their collection shown at (when the show was on Bravo before moving to Lifetime TV) Bryant Park. Unfortunately, I don't remember where their collection is being showcased now. Also during the show one of the designers that win the challenge for the day gets a spread in Marie Claire magazine showcasing their outfit. 

My favorite person of the show is Tim Gunn. I enjoy his honesty with the contestants, how he mentors them and especially when he says, "Make it work". 

Do I watch the show for the drama that takes place between the contestants in the workroom and sometimes at the house? Why of course. Why else do we watch 'reality' TV? But I will admit that if the drama over shadows the core of the show, I will not watch. Case and point, Dancing Moms also on Lifetime. I tried watching an episode and all they did was argue and make asses out of themselves in front of their kids. But I digress. Oh yeah and the designers do talk crap about each other's design to the camera from time to time. 

During the course of the show while the designers are creating their design they sometimes have to McGyver their cloth or the entire design if it does not come out as they had hoped or if it comes down to the wire and they have to head out on the runway for the runway challenge. 

To see what people can do with cloth amazes me and the designs they come up with sometimes has me in awe. They create outfits strictly from scratch. Let me add the outfits are determined by the day's challenge presented before them by Heidi. If Heidi takes them to the zoo then the challenge will have the designers creating an animal pattern and outfit without using cloth made from animals such as leather or fur. 

I enjoy the creative side of the show. Probably because I am a creative person myself, but you don't have to fashionista or a creative person to like the show. Just watching someone take nothing and make something out of should be enough. 

Project Runway is on Thursday nights at 9pm PST. 

You still have time to catch this season's show. As of this writing (3 September 2011) they have 12 contestants left out of 16.

And as Heidi says, "In fashion, one day you're in, the next day you're out".

Auf wiedersehen