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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pan Am - All Flights Have Been Cancel or It Should Be

I watched the premiere of Pan Am and I have to say I am not a fan and basically zoned out about half way through.

There aren't any likable characters on there at all for me Not even Christine Ricci holds my attention.

I just don't see any of the story lines going anywhere. They can end all the story lines in next week's episode and then shut down the terminal.

I realize this is the first show and I should give it time, but my attention span is very short and if I am not shown something within the first episode there's not need for me to stick around.

I'll be trading my ticket in for another flight.


  1. If a show doesn't know how to hold your attention in the first episode, that's a big warning sign. I figured it wouldn't be good when I saw the previews...glad to see I wasn't wrong.

  2. There was so much that happened within 10 mins that I couldn't keep up - they had like three different things going on and it didn't make sense. That was the first problem, but I ignored it. When they began focusing on one thing at a time, I was praying they would go back to confusing me. HA!

    They added a spy intrigue in there, but even that's not working.

  3. Nikki, you know I love ya, but I have to disagree with you on Pan Am. I really loved it. I found it to be fast and snappy, and I loved the music. Then again I love anything from the early 60's. On the other hand, I love The Middle also. It is one of my favorite shows. It is one show I look forward to watching all week.

  4. Markle - it's quite alright. So far we have agreed on a lot of stuff - nice to see a change - HA!

    I'll give it one more shot, but I think my opinion is going to be the same.

    I'm more of a Playboy person. I think the script and storyline is better written. But that's why there's different shows on TV - to fit each person.

    I'm going to have to give you the biggest fan award for reading and commenting on my posts. Um, wait..My Sweetie-pie will get the first award. You'll get runner up.
