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Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Middle Was At The Bottom

I am a big fan of The Middle.  I began watching the show on October 27, 2010.  Yeah I remember the exact date - because one, it was my birthday and two, we were staying the night at my partner's sister house on our way to Disneyland the next morning.  Up to that point I had never seen the show and had no intentions of seeing it.  Since viewing that show on that night I have become a fan. 

I rented the first season of The Middle from (ahem) Netflix and enjoyed it.  Its not one of those shows that keep you in stitches, but it keeps you entertained.  You don't have stay pinned to the TV to watch it either.  I usually watch it while doing something else and can keep up.  But when something happens or is said you find yourself laughing really hard - at least I did.

As you know, with (ahem) Netflix they send you one disc at a time (at least that set up I got) so when I finished the disc I had to wait two or three days for the next one.  Well, with The Middle I couldn't wait and ended up purchasing the first season and just now, I pre-ordered Season 2 on Amazon.  After the first disc, I put The Middle on record to get myself caught up the best I could and was looking forward to the new season to start.  However, I wasn't too impressed.

Today, I watched the premiere of Season 3 of The Middle via ABC To Go app on my iPad and there are usually parts that end up being funny or really funny, but I didn't find this episode on the funny side.  I was rather bored, but because I love everyone in the family, Brick being my favorite, I watched.

The premise of the show was Frankie wanted to take the family on vacation before the new school year started.  Oh wait, let me back up a bit.  The show opened with everyone either leaving for school or going to work.  Before each departed they were very loving to each other and even did a group hug on the porch.  I at first thought Frankie was dreaming or something, but the scene was real and then she explained how it came to be.  It had to do with the camping trip they took.

Frankie says that she is always the one to take in people's mail while they go on vacation and this time she wanted to be the family that went on vacation.  But the problem is they can't afford to go on a vacation somewhere, so Mike came up with the idea of them going camping like he and Frankie did for their honeymoon.  As planned and a few threats to the kids, they all end up going camping and like anything they do, it turned into a disaster. You can watch it at

There were funny parts, but, as mentioned, nothing exciting.  Oh Ray Ramono showed up and they could have seriously left him out of the episode.  He wasn't funny on his own show, so why is he coming her to ruin this one?  Who gives a flying skippy if him and Patricia Heaton were on a show together, still didn't make it right or enjoyable to see him.

I will continue to watch the show for I do enjoy it, but I hope it picks up the pace like has done in the past.  I think with the kids going back to school, it will do its job of being a typical dysfunctional family.  I am just wondering what they are going to do with the kids when they go off to college (referring to Sue and Axl - Sue is just starting Freshman year and Axl is going into the 11th grade so we have a few years to go with both).

I hope they don't change Brick from being a book worm or him whispering certain words he uses at the end of sentence.  I love how nothing bothers him as long as he has his books and inclined to go with him on that one.

If you haven't seen The Middle, trying getting the first season. It will help to understand the show a bit better.  You don't have to, but you might want to.

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