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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mob Wives: Finale with a Knuckle Sandwich and a Video

At Karens apartment she's on the phone with David, her ex boyfriend, to talk about her book. She's also talking about Lee being in the book. She says in voice over that David doesn't have a problem with him being in the book. David wants Karen back in Arizona but she's thinking about staying in Staten Island. She said she has a good relationship with David.

Renee's visits her shrink. She said she made the decision to remove Junior from her life because she doesn't need anyone unnecessary in her life. She says to the camera that since she let Junior go she feels a sense of empowerment. She says she feels very centered since her sessions.

Carla calls Joe who is in a halfway house. Shes glad Joe is home and she's in a happy place.

Nicole, a friend of, Drita's, is over and Drita is talking about the chapter Karen gave her to read. She doesn't want to read it. Drita doesn't trust Karen and her intentions for giving her the chapter to read. Drita says that her and Karen were not friends when Drita got with Lee.

Renee is meeting Karen for dinner. Karen is telling her that she finished the first chapter. Renee wants to read it and Karen tells her that she gave it to Drita. She's still talking about how Drita hasn't returned her phone calls or anything. Renee thinks Karen and Drita's friendship is bullshit.

Drita is on the phone with Carla. Drita wants to meet with Carla at the Buddha Lounge to talk about something she found out. She leaves to meet Carla. There a really cool song playing while she's driving. Can't wait to find the name.

Drita found out something about Lee. Apparently she went to a salon with Aleeya and a hairdresser said to Drita that Aleeya could watch. The lady called Aleeya by her name and this shocked Drita so Drita asked the lady how did she know her daughter's name and the lady said that she used to date one of Lee's friends (this took p,ace the second time Lee was out of prison for two years). So Drita calls the owner of the salon and finds out the girl had an affair with a Lee. I feel really bad for Drita because all she does for Lee while he's in prison. Getting food for him, that damn Vanilla Coke and his fucking mozzarella cheese and then she finds this out. I feel an urge to pull a phone out the wall. Drita better stock up on some phones and take some stock out on AT&T because its going to be on and poppin the next time his sorry ass calls. Ok. I'm fine now. I can get back to the matter at hand.

Drita had always been looking for a reason to leave Lee and now she has one but she never thought this would be the reason.

OK. the song that was playing while Drita was driving to meet Carla:
"Love Goes Down" - Plan B

Drita is at an attorney's office. She's looking into options to get a divorce from Lee. The attorney says she can get a "irretrievable breakdown" and if he refuses to sign the papers then they have a "contested divorce". Drita is going to think about it

Eleanor shows up at Carla's house and asks about Joe. Carla is telling her about a conversation she and Lee had in which Lee tells Carla that he has to find a place to live in a few weeks and he states that if he doesn't find somewhere to live he's going to show at Carla's house and Carla does not want that.

Drita wants to get all the girls together and clear the air. She calls Karen first and Karen is cool with it. She calls Carla and she's cool with it as well. Next is Renee. Renee wants to know if she should wear heels or sneakers. Renee is in.

Drita is getting ready for her night out. Renee is leaving her house. Karen leaves her apartment. They all meet at Rare Bar and Grill on the roof. Karen thinks Drita has read the chapter and is having a get together for her to tell her that she liked the chapter. But NOT!

Drita basically tells Karen that she's been hearing things like she betrayed Karen by getting with Lee. Karen thinks that her and Drita were friends back then but Drita is saying no they weren't. She said she wasn't talking to Karen then and Karen wants to know why. When Karen broke up with Lee was in 1997 and Drita got with Lee in 1999.

In all this conversation Karen admits that she cheated on Lee with a number of guys. Karen says she got with Dave at the end of 1997 while she was with Lee. She said she broke up with Lee 1998.

This whole thing is a mess and too much for me to try to keep up with. I might record it and post it on here and wait to be sued by VH1.

I got this part. The reason they stopped being friends is because Karen moved to Arizona and they just stopped talking.

What started the fight is because of Drita's timeline she figured out that Karen has screwed her boyfriend and Karen is saying that she didn't that she only made out with him and Drita says that her boyfriend told her different and it just got heated---even more heated from there and Drita blacked out and the next thing everyone knows Karen is on the floor behind the bench and Renee is between her and Drita because Renee was trying to hold Karen back when Karen stood up yelling at Drita.

I'm going to post a video in a bit. Actually, I'll be posting two videos.

 before commercial

 after commercial.

The rest of what happened is going take place on the reunion show which will take place on 10 July 2011.

This is my favorite quote from the entire season:

"I'm going to kick her window in a and get my chapter back" Karen 'The Dull' Gravano.

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