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Monday, June 13, 2011

Mob Wives: Relapses, Rats & Raccoon- How about Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My

Carla and Renee are meeting for dinner at The Ballroom:
Renee wants to drink to friendship. Carla said she is going to and has to forget about Fight Night or she couldn't be friends with Renee. Carla asks about her dating life and Renee keeps talking about Junior or making a reference to Junior as the type of men she likes and wants to date. Carla thinks Renee needs to move on from Junior. Carla is giving her opinion to Renee about her feelings for Junior and Renee appreciates it.

Karen's apartment:
She's talking to her ex-David. Corrina is back with David. Nothing much here. David talks about how hard it is to be out in the real world after leaving prison. He states people at work make snide remarks and it takes a lot for him to hold himself back, but states he never wants to go back to prison. He wants to spend the remainder of his life free. Karen says she was attracted to David because he was from the streets and she feels that's where she belonged. She states that regular guys didn't want to date her because she's Sammy The Bull's daughter and she always found comfort in the streets.


Carla is getting a few basic items for Joe. She's with her friend Etty. Carla states although she's dating someone, her and Joe are still friends. Joe called Carla on her cell phone.

Drita is meeting Karen for lunch or dinner - can't tell
Drita is talking about Joe coming home and people in prison are scared to come out. Karen and her talk about how hard it is to keep a relationship alive when the other party is in prison. Karen states that David has been in out of prison basically his whole live and when he's in prison she has to take herself out of the relationship. They talk about other things I won't mention here. Naughty, naughty lil girl!

"Over You" Raphael Saadiq (I'm starting to really like this guy's music - already love "Good Man" and now this song)
"Traded In My Cigarettes" Plan B

Renee is at the plastic surgeon's office:
Renee just took a body shot - no not a drink (although that does sound good right and I do have Patron in the kitchen calling me name - I will refrain until Friday). A body shot is where they take a picture of your entire body and present in 3D formate. Renee is shocked by what she sees. Dr. Klapper enters the room (Clap on, Clap off, Clap on, Clap off, the Klapper). Renee wants everything. She wants her boobs gutted out and implanted. She wants a waist and a tummy tuck and the fat put in her ass. The doctor basically told Renee she needs to lose weight before he can do the procedure of the tummy tuck and behind augmentation. Renee will have to return and she's excited.

Drita's House:
Sedia, Drita's cousin is on the phone. She's taking out the garbage and sees her garbage all over the place from the raccoons. She says, "Its not one. Its like six of them. They roll deep." She's going to shoot them with a paint gun because she doesn't want to kill them.

Karen's Apartment:
Carmela the writing coach has arrived. Karen's book deal got announced in the paper, and the Post calls it a Mob Tell All and Karen doesn't like that because its not a mob tell all. The victims of her father's are attacking Karen via comments. Karen doesn't know how people can hold her responsible for what her father did when she wasn't even born yet.

Drita's House:
Drita and her daughter Aleeya are at the table. Drita is doing her daughter's nails. Drita is explaining to her daughter what a rat is. Drita explains that Lee is in jail because a friend of his was a rat and that's when her daughter asked what is a rat. Drita explained and her daughter says, "I'd rather daddy stay in jail than be a rat". Drita says she's just like her dad. Drita tells Aleeya that she never ratted anyone out when she was little, none of her cousins.

Renee is meeting Karen for dinner (I think):
Karen is showing Renee the newspapers articles about Karen's book. Nothing much happens here.

Drita's House:
Collect call from Lee. She's telling him about the raccoons. Drita tells Lee about the conversation she and Aleeya had about being ratted out and what a rat is.

Renee's House:
Junior comes over. He says he's not feeling good and asked Renee to fix him some chicken soup. She's getting mixed signals from Junior. Aj comes home from school. AJ is not happy about Renee and Junior hanging with each other, but Renee is happy that AJ is spending time with his father. Junior tells AJ about him going to prison after he gets AJ a car.

Drita's House:
Carla is over to help Drita with the raccon situation. Drita breaks out a paint gun and a flashlight. Carla holds the flashlight while Drita shoots at them. She is serious about her little raccoon hunting. Drita wants a gun (I want one too).

Renee's House:
Renee calls Nikole, Renee's friend. She's talking to her about Junior staying over and sleeping in the same bed but that nothing happened. One night the wedding album came out. She's is having feelings for Junior.

"What You Gonna Do" Plan B
"The World (Is Going Up In Flames) Charles Bradley

Carla is on the beach with her kids:
They are talking about their father coming home, but the kids don't know that's he's been in prison. She thinks Joe should tell them where he's really been.

All four women are getting together for brunch:
Renee tells them that she's allowing Junior to move back into her house until he goes to prison. The lady's a grilling her about why she's allowing this. Renee tells them how when Junior went out one night he came with pumpkin seeds. Karen doesn't see the big deal, but Renee explains (to camera) that when her and Junior first got together she had a thing for pumpkin seeds and she likes the fact Junior remembered this and went out of his way to get them for her. The lady's are concerned that something may happen while Junior is there and Renee slips and says she's been staying upstairs. This widen's Drita's eyes. Oops Renee.

"Stay Too Long" Plan B

OMG!!!!! My TiVo (Its really Comcast DVR but I call it TiVo) cut at the end because this show before it ran late. Geez Louise. Now, I have to find the show and re-record to catch the ending. I swear to gravy!

Basically Karen and Drita were grilling Renee on the whole Junior thing and they both think Junior has ulterior motives, but Renee isn't seeing it. Renee is looking for a husband, but is trying to convince herself she's just looking for a family for AJ until Junior goes to prison. She's crying and ends up going to the bathroom and that's when my fracking TiVo cut off.

Ok. I picked up the show at 3pm today (Tuesday 14 June 2011) and heres what happened at the end. Renee goes to the bathroom crying while the women talk among themselves about how Renee is still in love with Junior but that he's not good for her. Renee believes in being loyal so shes going stand by Junior and help him.

New York Post about Karen's Book:


Carla is returning from picking Joe up from the joint.

Renee is packing Junior's stuff up and leaves it by the front door. I guess she's remebering all the wrong he's done to her or he has done something wrong. Not sure which has happened to have her do what she's doing/did.

The first chiapter of Karen's book is done and she shows it to Drita. Next shot shows Drita talking to Carla about how mad she is about Lee being all in the book. Drita basically wants to beat the tar out of Karen and she's going to get her chance during the filming of the finale.

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