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Thursday, June 16, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance But I Can Fast Forward

I've been watching SYTYCD since Season 2 but always stop about mid way in because the show becomes boring and seems drawn out and I start to really dislike the dancers, even the ones I root for from day one.  Here's are my gripes:

First of all, as with any talent show, I love for the auditions.  I love to see people succeed and to just bomb, but I mostly look for amazement and then seek that amazement out on youtube to post on my blog or Facebook.  So this show is no exception.  I live for the auditions and try to find someone to root for.  This year, it's Ryan for me.

When I watched the show, I would watch it the night of, which means not TiVo, which means no fast forwarding.  AH HA!  But not this season.  I will be fast forwarding my behind off.  Why?  I'll tell you why.

I fast forward the contestants talking.  Blah Blah Blah.  I don't care what you have to say.  I'm here to watch you dance and that's it.

I fast forward the rehearsals. I don't want to see the contestants doing silly stuff when the camera's on them thinking they are being cute.  They aren't being cute...they are being annoying.

I fast forward the judges talking after the routine because all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher talking.  I don't care what they think of the routine because in all honesty I don't know SH*T about dancing, so what they say goes right over my head. All I know about it is that I really enjoy watching people dance.  I even watch Ballroom Championships on PBS.  I thoroughly enjoyed Mary Murphy when she was a choreographer on SYTYCD back in Season 1 (I believe).  Yeah, I know I said I started watching with Season 2, but I remember catching it here and there the first season.

 Anyhoo.  Back to the matter at hand: the judges.  And sometimes they have people on their judging that have no real dance background.  Like they Ellen Degeneres on their as a judge.  What qualifies her as a judge and don't get me started on how she looks.  I remember a time when she looked like a female.  But that's another blog.  I enjoy the show immensely - put me on as a judge.  I'll critique them like nobody's business.  I qualify.  I took one semester of jazz dance in college and performed once in public.  Come to think of it, I'm more than qualified.  Hell I should be a choreographer.  Where do I sign up.

The Contestants!  It really rides my nerves when they are standing there and Cat (my girl Cat) gives the number for people to call to vote and the contestants or holding their figures up to indicate the number and making the dumbest, annoying faces.  Again, they think they are being cute - but um, no.  

That's my reasoning behind TiVoing the show and making use of the fast forward button.

Oh.  And when the show gets down to like four or five couples and they need to fill up the hour time, then they bring in people that are sometimes entertaining or just a waste of space. FF.

However - I never FF when is Cat is on.  I sometimes don't FF when Nigel or Mary is talking.  Mostly when Nigel is talking.  Mary sometimes gets out of hand and wants to do the Hot Tamale train.

To end this I'm going to say that Tyce Diorio is a very boring choreographer.  So far I have not liked anything he's done.  And I'm glad to not see Mia Michaels (so far) this season.

That's the end of my gripe.  I'll be back later to grip about something else I know nothing about.

Fave so far: Ryan
Least fave: Melanie

On a good note.  Starting Monday, 20 June 2011, I will be blogging The Young and the Restless.  I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it on this blog or put on my other blog titled Suds In the Bucket.  

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