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Monday, June 6, 2011

Mob Wives - Total Chaos - Total Make Up - Total Cereal

Renee's house:
They are rehashing what took place at the Sunday Dinner. They are showing the fight again. OK here's where I have the issue with this whole thing. Renee is mad at Carla for something Carla's boyfriend said to Renee that Renee's son over heard. The only way her son overheard the stuff is because she had the phone on speaker. Why did you have your phone on speaker, is my question? Yes have you phone on speaker when talking to a friend or someone of that nature but not with someone you supposedly dislike. Anyhow. That's my two cents. Don't worry there will more two cents coming. Back to the rumble in the jungle.

Karen states that Drita "Fuckin squares up like she's going to attack Renee but she's going to have to go through me first". Karen notices that Drita is backing up. Drita explains to Karen that she's trying to break up Carla and Renee but she does with her extreme outside voice if you catch what I'm saying here, kids.

Drita takes Carla to her respective corner. But Renee and Carla are still yelling at each other. Oh wait, Carla and Renee are back to being face to face.

Renee is trying to explain to Carla that she's looking out for her.

Carla is trying to tell Renee something but Renee keeps bumping her loud gums and Karen is trying to tell her to be quiet so she can hear what Carla has to say. Drita wants to move Carla to another room but Karen wants her at the end of the counter while Renee is at the other end. Renee still won't be quiet so Karen hits the flower arrangement that's on the counter and it goes flying towards Renee. This quiets everyone down and for some reason puts a slight smile on Dritas face. Oh yeah, Drita still has her shoes off from when she did the Drita National Anthem.

Karen is translating to Carla what Renee is trying to tell. Karen is doing this in a very calm manner. Carla feels that Renee doesn't have a right to voice her opinion but as Karen said, she does have a right because only a true friend would say something to another friend. Carla still disagrees. Karen asks Renee if she can leave it alone now and Renee says yes.

Now it's time for Drita and Karen to throw down- verbally that is. The actual fight takes place later and I do hope they show it here. Well not here because this is a blog, but on TV.

Drita brings up the fact that Renee has made a comment about her and Lee getting together a year after Karen and him split up. Karen says it's not about Lee but about her and Drita's friendship. Karen feels betrayed her by dating her ex. Renee is telling Drita it's not about Lee but about friendship but Drita doesn't see it that way. Karen wants her to take responsibility and that she did do something wrong and apology. Renee is saying the same thing that Drita should apologies. Karen is so upset she begins to cry. Drita and Karen hugs because Karen was crying and Drita felt bad. Drita does apologies in her own way. Now Renee and Carla hug and Renee kisses her on the cheek. Kodak moment for all. Now they do a group hug. They toast each other with champagne.

Carla's house:
Drita show up that day after the Sunday brawl. Those two rehash the night to a point. Drita said that when she saw Karen crying she felt really bad. Drita says if this happens again shes just going to "come in with a fuckin oozy"

It time for a Eazy-E song break by yours truly:

" he yelled out fire then came Suzy, the bitch came in with a sub machine oozy. Police shot the girl but didn't hurt her, both upstate for attempted murder". From the song Boyz in the Hood

Now back to our regularly schedule blog

Karens and Renee meet up for lunch:
Karen thinks the dinner was a good thing because they were all able to get their issues out although it was in a aggressive way Renee says the Junior is staying at her house. She states it's nothing romantic. He's staying there until he goes to prison. Karen doesn't want Renee to get caught up with Junior. Renee is looking for someone who has the same qualities that Junior has. Karen wants her to meet normal guys. She suggests online dating.

Carla is out with her friends Etty and Eleanor:
Carla, Eleanor and Joe (Carla's ex husband) all worked on Wall Street. When he got fired Carla got fired. Carla is ok with Joe coming home but she knows it's going to be tough for him. Nothing much goes on here.

Waves by Deluka <---me like this song. Me down load song in a bit.

Renee's house: Drita is over to help Renee set up a profile on a dating site. They are done with the profile and now looking at the guys the site feel are compatible with Renee. And now Renee has an IM from a guy named Antonio. He asks a lot of questions kinda of back to back and then wants to talk on the phone. Both Renee and Drita find this guy a bit strange and pushy. Renee feels the online dating thing is not for her. Karen goes to pick her daughter from the airport. NEXT The "sexy" pictures Drita took have arrived. They look ok. Lee is from the old school that while he's in prison Drita should wait. Drita says it hard but she doesn't regret it Carla and Drita meets up for lunch: Carla says when Joe gets out he'll have to go to the halfway house and Drita says that halfway house is in the worst possible place to where there are gunshots in the middle of the day. Not much here either. NEXT Drita and Karen are at Carla's house. All the kids are there. Carla fixed a big dinner. Joe Jr (Carla's son) is acting out and Drita feels it's because it's because his father isn't around. Drita is telling Carla and Karen about helping Renee sign up for online dating. Carla feels that Renee does a little too much for Junior. She wants Renee to get over Junior Renee's friend Nikole is over for dinner and talk about dating. Renee feels that all the guys that contact her on the online dating sight are psychos. she wants to delete her account. Carla house: Joe is coming home in two weeks. She wants to get him a duffel with t-shirts, socks and sneakers and other things. Renee is seeing her psycho - I mean counselor. She's talking about dating and she wants someone completely opposite of what she's dated before. She wants a guy with a regular job and be home for dinner. The psycho says that Renee attracts what she exudes. Renee says she needs to learns to be softer. She feels she needs to rearrange her life before she can begin dating Dritas house: she gets a call from Lee. He got the picture In the mail. He likes the pictures. Drita does wonder why she tries to make him happy when she's really not happy. That was basically it. Next week the show doesn't shoe much exciting happening. I really cannot remember much. I think it's because I'm so waiting for the finale show.

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