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Monday, June 27, 2011

A Very Mob Wives Thank You!

I thoroughly enjoyed blogging Mob Wives as well as watching the show.  And to all of you that read my blog, I thank you very much.  For those of you that became followers, I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

I began blogging back in 2008 and my first show was Denise Richard's "reality" show and I got a lot of hits from it.  Then I did Pam Anderson's show.  I stopped blogging because I couldn't find anything to blog - although the world and the world of TV offers a lot.

I decided to pick up blogging again with this show and glad I did.  Because of my blogging it made me a better writer.   And although I lagged sometimes, and didn't get my blog posted in a timely manner (two days at the most), I still posted because I had people ask.  I realized my responsibility is to my readers and my followers.  It wasn't until the final episode that I actually did it right, in that, I blogged and posted the same night as the show.

Blogging a show is hard for me because I work a full time job in which I am positioned in front of computer eight hours a day.  I love my job, don't get me wrong.  But when I get home the last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer for another hour to hour and a half - so I don't.  Instead, I sit in front of my iPad and blog from there via an app called Blogpress <--Click on link to learn more.  I think saved it online and edited it from my desktop or laptop.

I took great pleasure in my work and felt a sense of relief when completed, until Saturday night rolled around and I realized I had to blog, yet again.  And yet again, once completed, I smiled at my work and waited for the readers to arrive and arrive they did.

I have moved on to blogging Young and the Restless.

Big Brother will be starting soon, and I will blog that as well.

I have learned two things while doing this project:

  1.  Blogging must be done the night of the show
  2.  Blogging is a job and I must treat it as such.

I have learned to take my blogging much more seriously, like I do my day job.  My reward is not in payment, when I have completed a blog, but as mentioned, in the readership and the followers.

So again, I big MOB WIVES thank you to my readers and followers.

Although Mob Wives has ended for right now, I will be adding new shows here.  I might do Tatum/Ryan O'Neil's show.

If you have a show you would like for me to blog, please let me know.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mob Wives: Finale with a Knuckle Sandwich and a Video

At Karens apartment she's on the phone with David, her ex boyfriend, to talk about her book. She's also talking about Lee being in the book. She says in voice over that David doesn't have a problem with him being in the book. David wants Karen back in Arizona but she's thinking about staying in Staten Island. She said she has a good relationship with David.

Renee's visits her shrink. She said she made the decision to remove Junior from her life because she doesn't need anyone unnecessary in her life. She says to the camera that since she let Junior go she feels a sense of empowerment. She says she feels very centered since her sessions.

Carla calls Joe who is in a halfway house. Shes glad Joe is home and she's in a happy place.

Nicole, a friend of, Drita's, is over and Drita is talking about the chapter Karen gave her to read. She doesn't want to read it. Drita doesn't trust Karen and her intentions for giving her the chapter to read. Drita says that her and Karen were not friends when Drita got with Lee.

Renee is meeting Karen for dinner. Karen is telling her that she finished the first chapter. Renee wants to read it and Karen tells her that she gave it to Drita. She's still talking about how Drita hasn't returned her phone calls or anything. Renee thinks Karen and Drita's friendship is bullshit.

Drita is on the phone with Carla. Drita wants to meet with Carla at the Buddha Lounge to talk about something she found out. She leaves to meet Carla. There a really cool song playing while she's driving. Can't wait to find the name.

Drita found out something about Lee. Apparently she went to a salon with Aleeya and a hairdresser said to Drita that Aleeya could watch. The lady called Aleeya by her name and this shocked Drita so Drita asked the lady how did she know her daughter's name and the lady said that she used to date one of Lee's friends (this took p,ace the second time Lee was out of prison for two years). So Drita calls the owner of the salon and finds out the girl had an affair with a Lee. I feel really bad for Drita because all she does for Lee while he's in prison. Getting food for him, that damn Vanilla Coke and his fucking mozzarella cheese and then she finds this out. I feel an urge to pull a phone out the wall. Drita better stock up on some phones and take some stock out on AT&T because its going to be on and poppin the next time his sorry ass calls. Ok. I'm fine now. I can get back to the matter at hand.

Drita had always been looking for a reason to leave Lee and now she has one but she never thought this would be the reason.

OK. the song that was playing while Drita was driving to meet Carla:
"Love Goes Down" - Plan B

Drita is at an attorney's office. She's looking into options to get a divorce from Lee. The attorney says she can get a "irretrievable breakdown" and if he refuses to sign the papers then they have a "contested divorce". Drita is going to think about it

Eleanor shows up at Carla's house and asks about Joe. Carla is telling her about a conversation she and Lee had in which Lee tells Carla that he has to find a place to live in a few weeks and he states that if he doesn't find somewhere to live he's going to show at Carla's house and Carla does not want that.

Drita wants to get all the girls together and clear the air. She calls Karen first and Karen is cool with it. She calls Carla and she's cool with it as well. Next is Renee. Renee wants to know if she should wear heels or sneakers. Renee is in.

Drita is getting ready for her night out. Renee is leaving her house. Karen leaves her apartment. They all meet at Rare Bar and Grill on the roof. Karen thinks Drita has read the chapter and is having a get together for her to tell her that she liked the chapter. But NOT!

Drita basically tells Karen that she's been hearing things like she betrayed Karen by getting with Lee. Karen thinks that her and Drita were friends back then but Drita is saying no they weren't. She said she wasn't talking to Karen then and Karen wants to know why. When Karen broke up with Lee was in 1997 and Drita got with Lee in 1999.

In all this conversation Karen admits that she cheated on Lee with a number of guys. Karen says she got with Dave at the end of 1997 while she was with Lee. She said she broke up with Lee 1998.

This whole thing is a mess and too much for me to try to keep up with. I might record it and post it on here and wait to be sued by VH1.

I got this part. The reason they stopped being friends is because Karen moved to Arizona and they just stopped talking.

What started the fight is because of Drita's timeline she figured out that Karen has screwed her boyfriend and Karen is saying that she didn't that she only made out with him and Drita says that her boyfriend told her different and it just got heated---even more heated from there and Drita blacked out and the next thing everyone knows Karen is on the floor behind the bench and Renee is between her and Drita because Renee was trying to hold Karen back when Karen stood up yelling at Drita.

I'm going to post a video in a bit. Actually, I'll be posting two videos.

 before commercial

 after commercial.

The rest of what happened is going take place on the reunion show which will take place on 10 July 2011.

This is my favorite quote from the entire season:

"I'm going to kick her window in a and get my chapter back" Karen 'The Dull' Gravano.

Mob Wives - I'll have a Knuckle Sandwich my Finale please and hold the onions - Thank you

Well, tonight is the Finale of Mob Wives and a part of me is glad and a part of me is sad.  The sad part is I don't like anything to end that I'm enjoying.  The glad part of me is, the show was a bit boring for a few episodes, but that's just the way things go.

I really enjoyed blogging this show and enjoyed watching my readership go up each day.  This blog broke the 2K mark in about a months time and because of that it kept me writing and thinking of more things to write.  I will be blogging as the show is rolling and afterwards I will post a thank you note.

I began blogging about Y & R and my readership is slowly but surely creeping up there as well.  I have one reader stated that because of my blog, she is going to begin watching the show.  Right there, makes me want to blog more on the show.

Back to Mob Wives.

A co-worker told me about the show and I was on it like white on rice and I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode.  I liked how they had the women pose like this when introducing them.  See my first blog on the show.

When they showed one of the women or all of the women going somewhere they would take pictures of them as if they are on surveillance.  A friend of mine pointed that out to me.  I wasn't thinking - duh on me.  Moving on.

There will be a Season 2, and therefore, more blogging from me.  But in the mean time, head over to the following pages:

Thoughts From The Underground - Personal Thoughts about Anything

Suds In The Bucket - Y and R recap with a possibility of adding Bold and the Beautiful

Words Without Sound - Mob Wives, Tatum/Ryan O'Neil's show, Big Brother recaps/reviews and my 2 cents.

Until tonight kids:
Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mob Wives: Take This Book and Shove It

Carla and her kids are on their way to pick up Joe Sr from the joint. Carla thinks Joe should tell the kids where he's really been. She's not sure how the kids are going to take it.

At Spice Market Renee is meeting up with Tiffany, a friend and former boss of hers. Renee used to be a wardrobe assistant. The first people she worked with was 50 Cent and G-Unit. Renee is seeking employment because things are financially tight in her house. She gave up her job when Junior came home from prison but now that he's going back she wants to go back to work. Tiffany expresses to Renee that she's a drama queen and its a concern of hers because although Renee's a great worker and all, when she becomes a drama queen it takes away things.  And Renee agrees with her. She states that Tiffany is the only one that can say that and get away with it.

Drita is on the phone with Carla asking about picking up Joe. Nothing much here which is surprising because Karen isn't in the picture.  BAHAHAHAHA

Karen is visiting Renee at Renee's house. Karen asks about Junior and Renee is telling her how Junior said that he's going to work on them and get people out of his life that are bad for them and then he says he has to go away for two days but that it wasn't Renee's place to ask. He comes back and in the middle of the night his phone is ringing and it's texts from two women. Karen says that he's never going to change because it's a pattern between the two of them. She said Renee is the one that needs to change.

"News 4 U" - Fitz and the Tantrums
"Big Bang" - Rock Mafia

Carla is driving back after dropping Joe off at the halfway house. The kids were fine with knowing that Joe was in jail but Joe Jr is upset that his father isn't coming home. Carla calls Joe on the phone so he can talk to Joe Jr. After the phone call Lil man is OK.

Karen and Drita are having drinks and Karen is confused about whether she should go back to Arizona or stay in Staten Island. Drita says she should stay.

Renee is at her therapist office. I'm going to fast forward through this because I seriously can't stand the therapist. I just want to sock her one right in the face.

Carla and Drita are at the gym talking about Joe being in the car and how things were weird for him. Carla tells Drita that she told Joe that it was time for him to tell the kids where he's really been. Their conversation is boring as well. Just talking about Lee when he came home the first time and Carla talking about Joe coming home.

Renee and her son are having dinner at one Renee's favourite childhood restaurant IL Cortile. She said with Junior going away she wants to have a talk with AJ. This place serves Coca Cola in the bottle. Man I love coke in a bottle. There's something about the taste. It tastes different than in the can. Renee wanted AJ to follow in her father's footsteps but after everything that has happened she wants him to go in the other direction. She wants him to go to college. He said he never had that mindset.

Drita is meeting Karen for dinner. Karen just finished the first chapter of her book and she wants Drita to read it. The name of the book is "Shadow of the Bull". Drita is kind of shocked. She thought her and Karen had buried the hatchet but having the book in front of her she says it's all coming back to her. They show a flashback of when Karen was in Dritas house putting Lee down and Drita telling her that that's not cool but in Drita fashion, of course. Drita is excited about reading it just the same. Karen knows that Drita will be honest about it and that's what Karen wants.

Renee is going to work and she's going to work on the set of Ghostface Killah who is part of the Woo Tang Clan. He calls her on the phone while she's driving to work. I am not even going to attempt to tell you all what was said. Ghostface has a language all his own (I'm going to keep my opinion to myself on how I think he sounds).

Now I'm confused. They showed Renee leaving her house - oh wait. I got it. The first time they showed her leaving the house she was going to get the clothes for the video shoot. Now this time they show her leaving her house she's actually on her way to the video shoot. It take  me a bit but once I get boy do I get it.

OK. Renee is on her way to the video shoot when she gets a call from her friend Nikole. Renee tells her about her job and all. Renee begins talking about Junior a bit and then the phone call ends. Renee pulls up to the place where they are shooting the video and Ghostface Killah shows up. On the phone he didn't sound like much but in person he seems alright. But whatever. Renee says she enjoys what she does because it puts her in a good place and gets her mind off of what Junior is putting her through.

At Dritas house Aleeya is about to do her math homework and this the time that Lee calls to help his daughter for Drita and math don't get along just like Nikki and math don't get along. Lee finally calls and Drita leaves her daughter and Lee alone. Aleeya begins asking Lee if he's mad at the person that ratted him out and he said he's more mad at himself for not seeing it.  He feels he should have seen it.  I hear you there buddy.  Anyhoo.  Aleeya asks Lee when is he coming home and he says soon a sn she says that soon is not good enough.

Renee begins packing Junior's things. She contributes her change towards Juniors to the girls (Drita, Karen and Carla, her counsellor and her new job). After packing his stuff she leaves his suitcase by the front door and then calls him and leaves a voice message and tells him she's packed his stuff and to call AJ before he comes to the house pick up his things and then she hangs up.

"Look Away" - Lissie

Karen calls Drita And leaves a voice mail. Karen states that she hasn't heard from Drita since giving her the chapter to read and Drita won't return any of her phone calls. She feels like Drita is avoiding her.

Drita is meeting Carla for lunch at Mike's Place.

Drita tells Carla that she hasn't read the chapter yet. Carla is surprised that Karen gave Drita the chapter to read. Carla says to Drita that perhaps Karen gave her the chapter so Drita wouldn't find out down the road what was said. Drita feels that Karen should be doing the whole book thing with Renee with Renee being her girl and all. Drita has a trust issue with Karen because of what she did at Dritas house a few weeks ago. Drita is pissed about the book and Lee being in it and she's getting fired up.


Drita is telling Carla that she found out something about Lee

Karen tells Renee she gave Drita the book to read and since then she hasn't heard from her. She feels like Drita is ignoring her now. Renee feels Karen and Drita's friendship is bullshit. Karen says if she doesn't hear from her she's going to kick Drita's window in and take her chapter back.

Drita is telling someone (that I don't recognize) that she doesn't want to have anything to do with Karen's book and that she doesn't trust Karen and it stems from Karen saying doesn't care what Drita thinks about Lee being in the book.

All of the women are together on top of a roof (my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. I'll have to speak to Drita about this one) for what looks like a get together and Karen says to Drita that she was angry because she was hurt and Drita says that they weren't friends when she hooked up with Lee then she says, "You f**ked my boyfriend when you were with Lee." Then Karen says something and all hell breaks loose.  Let's watch:

Now for a little comedy:

Check this lady out.  She does a great impression of Drita:

Location:Staten Island

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance But I Can Fast Forward

I've been watching SYTYCD since Season 2 but always stop about mid way in because the show becomes boring and seems drawn out and I start to really dislike the dancers, even the ones I root for from day one.  Here's are my gripes:

First of all, as with any talent show, I love for the auditions.  I love to see people succeed and to just bomb, but I mostly look for amazement and then seek that amazement out on youtube to post on my blog or Facebook.  So this show is no exception.  I live for the auditions and try to find someone to root for.  This year, it's Ryan for me.

When I watched the show, I would watch it the night of, which means not TiVo, which means no fast forwarding.  AH HA!  But not this season.  I will be fast forwarding my behind off.  Why?  I'll tell you why.

I fast forward the contestants talking.  Blah Blah Blah.  I don't care what you have to say.  I'm here to watch you dance and that's it.

I fast forward the rehearsals. I don't want to see the contestants doing silly stuff when the camera's on them thinking they are being cute.  They aren't being cute...they are being annoying.

I fast forward the judges talking after the routine because all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher talking.  I don't care what they think of the routine because in all honesty I don't know SH*T about dancing, so what they say goes right over my head. All I know about it is that I really enjoy watching people dance.  I even watch Ballroom Championships on PBS.  I thoroughly enjoyed Mary Murphy when she was a choreographer on SYTYCD back in Season 1 (I believe).  Yeah, I know I said I started watching with Season 2, but I remember catching it here and there the first season.

 Anyhoo.  Back to the matter at hand: the judges.  And sometimes they have people on their judging that have no real dance background.  Like they Ellen Degeneres on their as a judge.  What qualifies her as a judge and don't get me started on how she looks.  I remember a time when she looked like a female.  But that's another blog.  I enjoy the show immensely - put me on as a judge.  I'll critique them like nobody's business.  I qualify.  I took one semester of jazz dance in college and performed once in public.  Come to think of it, I'm more than qualified.  Hell I should be a choreographer.  Where do I sign up.

The Contestants!  It really rides my nerves when they are standing there and Cat (my girl Cat) gives the number for people to call to vote and the contestants or holding their figures up to indicate the number and making the dumbest, annoying faces.  Again, they think they are being cute - but um, no.  

That's my reasoning behind TiVoing the show and making use of the fast forward button.

Oh.  And when the show gets down to like four or five couples and they need to fill up the hour time, then they bring in people that are sometimes entertaining or just a waste of space. FF.

However - I never FF when is Cat is on.  I sometimes don't FF when Nigel or Mary is talking.  Mostly when Nigel is talking.  Mary sometimes gets out of hand and wants to do the Hot Tamale train.

To end this I'm going to say that Tyce Diorio is a very boring choreographer.  So far I have not liked anything he's done.  And I'm glad to not see Mia Michaels (so far) this season.

That's the end of my gripe.  I'll be back later to grip about something else I know nothing about.

Fave so far: Ryan
Least fave: Melanie

On a good note.  Starting Monday, 20 June 2011, I will be blogging The Young and the Restless.  I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it on this blog or put on my other blog titled Suds In the Bucket.  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Words Without Sound: Mob Wives: Relapses, Rats & Raccoon- How about Lio...

Words Without Sound: Mob Wives: Relapses, Rats & Raccoon- How about Lio...: "Carla and Renee are meeting for dinner at The Ballroom: Renee wants to drink to friendship. Carla said she is going to and has to forget ..."

Mob Wives: Relapses, Rats & Raccoon- How about Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My

Carla and Renee are meeting for dinner at The Ballroom:
Renee wants to drink to friendship. Carla said she is going to and has to forget about Fight Night or she couldn't be friends with Renee. Carla asks about her dating life and Renee keeps talking about Junior or making a reference to Junior as the type of men she likes and wants to date. Carla thinks Renee needs to move on from Junior. Carla is giving her opinion to Renee about her feelings for Junior and Renee appreciates it.

Karen's apartment:
She's talking to her ex-David. Corrina is back with David. Nothing much here. David talks about how hard it is to be out in the real world after leaving prison. He states people at work make snide remarks and it takes a lot for him to hold himself back, but states he never wants to go back to prison. He wants to spend the remainder of his life free. Karen says she was attracted to David because he was from the streets and she feels that's where she belonged. She states that regular guys didn't want to date her because she's Sammy The Bull's daughter and she always found comfort in the streets.


Carla is getting a few basic items for Joe. She's with her friend Etty. Carla states although she's dating someone, her and Joe are still friends. Joe called Carla on her cell phone.

Drita is meeting Karen for lunch or dinner - can't tell
Drita is talking about Joe coming home and people in prison are scared to come out. Karen and her talk about how hard it is to keep a relationship alive when the other party is in prison. Karen states that David has been in out of prison basically his whole live and when he's in prison she has to take herself out of the relationship. They talk about other things I won't mention here. Naughty, naughty lil girl!

"Over You" Raphael Saadiq (I'm starting to really like this guy's music - already love "Good Man" and now this song)
"Traded In My Cigarettes" Plan B

Renee is at the plastic surgeon's office:
Renee just took a body shot - no not a drink (although that does sound good right and I do have Patron in the kitchen calling me name - I will refrain until Friday). A body shot is where they take a picture of your entire body and present in 3D formate. Renee is shocked by what she sees. Dr. Klapper enters the room (Clap on, Clap off, Clap on, Clap off, the Klapper). Renee wants everything. She wants her boobs gutted out and implanted. She wants a waist and a tummy tuck and the fat put in her ass. The doctor basically told Renee she needs to lose weight before he can do the procedure of the tummy tuck and behind augmentation. Renee will have to return and she's excited.

Drita's House:
Sedia, Drita's cousin is on the phone. She's taking out the garbage and sees her garbage all over the place from the raccoons. She says, "Its not one. Its like six of them. They roll deep." She's going to shoot them with a paint gun because she doesn't want to kill them.

Karen's Apartment:
Carmela the writing coach has arrived. Karen's book deal got announced in the paper, and the Post calls it a Mob Tell All and Karen doesn't like that because its not a mob tell all. The victims of her father's are attacking Karen via comments. Karen doesn't know how people can hold her responsible for what her father did when she wasn't even born yet.

Drita's House:
Drita and her daughter Aleeya are at the table. Drita is doing her daughter's nails. Drita is explaining to her daughter what a rat is. Drita explains that Lee is in jail because a friend of his was a rat and that's when her daughter asked what is a rat. Drita explained and her daughter says, "I'd rather daddy stay in jail than be a rat". Drita says she's just like her dad. Drita tells Aleeya that she never ratted anyone out when she was little, none of her cousins.

Renee is meeting Karen for dinner (I think):
Karen is showing Renee the newspapers articles about Karen's book. Nothing much happens here.

Drita's House:
Collect call from Lee. She's telling him about the raccoons. Drita tells Lee about the conversation she and Aleeya had about being ratted out and what a rat is.

Renee's House:
Junior comes over. He says he's not feeling good and asked Renee to fix him some chicken soup. She's getting mixed signals from Junior. Aj comes home from school. AJ is not happy about Renee and Junior hanging with each other, but Renee is happy that AJ is spending time with his father. Junior tells AJ about him going to prison after he gets AJ a car.

Drita's House:
Carla is over to help Drita with the raccon situation. Drita breaks out a paint gun and a flashlight. Carla holds the flashlight while Drita shoots at them. She is serious about her little raccoon hunting. Drita wants a gun (I want one too).

Renee's House:
Renee calls Nikole, Renee's friend. She's talking to her about Junior staying over and sleeping in the same bed but that nothing happened. One night the wedding album came out. She's is having feelings for Junior.

"What You Gonna Do" Plan B
"The World (Is Going Up In Flames) Charles Bradley

Carla is on the beach with her kids:
They are talking about their father coming home, but the kids don't know that's he's been in prison. She thinks Joe should tell them where he's really been.

All four women are getting together for brunch:
Renee tells them that she's allowing Junior to move back into her house until he goes to prison. The lady's a grilling her about why she's allowing this. Renee tells them how when Junior went out one night he came with pumpkin seeds. Karen doesn't see the big deal, but Renee explains (to camera) that when her and Junior first got together she had a thing for pumpkin seeds and she likes the fact Junior remembered this and went out of his way to get them for her. The lady's are concerned that something may happen while Junior is there and Renee slips and says she's been staying upstairs. This widen's Drita's eyes. Oops Renee.

"Stay Too Long" Plan B

OMG!!!!! My TiVo (Its really Comcast DVR but I call it TiVo) cut at the end because this show before it ran late. Geez Louise. Now, I have to find the show and re-record to catch the ending. I swear to gravy!

Basically Karen and Drita were grilling Renee on the whole Junior thing and they both think Junior has ulterior motives, but Renee isn't seeing it. Renee is looking for a husband, but is trying to convince herself she's just looking for a family for AJ until Junior goes to prison. She's crying and ends up going to the bathroom and that's when my fracking TiVo cut off.

Ok. I picked up the show at 3pm today (Tuesday 14 June 2011) and heres what happened at the end. Renee goes to the bathroom crying while the women talk among themselves about how Renee is still in love with Junior but that he's not good for her. Renee believes in being loyal so shes going stand by Junior and help him.

New York Post about Karen's Book:


Carla is returning from picking Joe up from the joint.

Renee is packing Junior's stuff up and leaves it by the front door. I guess she's remebering all the wrong he's done to her or he has done something wrong. Not sure which has happened to have her do what she's doing/did.

The first chiapter of Karen's book is done and she shows it to Drita. Next shot shows Drita talking to Carla about how mad she is about Lee being all in the book. Drita basically wants to beat the tar out of Karen and she's going to get her chance during the filming of the finale.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mob Wives - Total Chaos - Total Make Up - Total Cereal

Renee's house:
They are rehashing what took place at the Sunday Dinner. They are showing the fight again. OK here's where I have the issue with this whole thing. Renee is mad at Carla for something Carla's boyfriend said to Renee that Renee's son over heard. The only way her son overheard the stuff is because she had the phone on speaker. Why did you have your phone on speaker, is my question? Yes have you phone on speaker when talking to a friend or someone of that nature but not with someone you supposedly dislike. Anyhow. That's my two cents. Don't worry there will more two cents coming. Back to the rumble in the jungle.

Karen states that Drita "Fuckin squares up like she's going to attack Renee but she's going to have to go through me first". Karen notices that Drita is backing up. Drita explains to Karen that she's trying to break up Carla and Renee but she does with her extreme outside voice if you catch what I'm saying here, kids.

Drita takes Carla to her respective corner. But Renee and Carla are still yelling at each other. Oh wait, Carla and Renee are back to being face to face.

Renee is trying to explain to Carla that she's looking out for her.

Carla is trying to tell Renee something but Renee keeps bumping her loud gums and Karen is trying to tell her to be quiet so she can hear what Carla has to say. Drita wants to move Carla to another room but Karen wants her at the end of the counter while Renee is at the other end. Renee still won't be quiet so Karen hits the flower arrangement that's on the counter and it goes flying towards Renee. This quiets everyone down and for some reason puts a slight smile on Dritas face. Oh yeah, Drita still has her shoes off from when she did the Drita National Anthem.

Karen is translating to Carla what Renee is trying to tell. Karen is doing this in a very calm manner. Carla feels that Renee doesn't have a right to voice her opinion but as Karen said, she does have a right because only a true friend would say something to another friend. Carla still disagrees. Karen asks Renee if she can leave it alone now and Renee says yes.

Now it's time for Drita and Karen to throw down- verbally that is. The actual fight takes place later and I do hope they show it here. Well not here because this is a blog, but on TV.

Drita brings up the fact that Renee has made a comment about her and Lee getting together a year after Karen and him split up. Karen says it's not about Lee but about her and Drita's friendship. Karen feels betrayed her by dating her ex. Renee is telling Drita it's not about Lee but about friendship but Drita doesn't see it that way. Karen wants her to take responsibility and that she did do something wrong and apology. Renee is saying the same thing that Drita should apologies. Karen is so upset she begins to cry. Drita and Karen hugs because Karen was crying and Drita felt bad. Drita does apologies in her own way. Now Renee and Carla hug and Renee kisses her on the cheek. Kodak moment for all. Now they do a group hug. They toast each other with champagne.

Carla's house:
Drita show up that day after the Sunday brawl. Those two rehash the night to a point. Drita said that when she saw Karen crying she felt really bad. Drita says if this happens again shes just going to "come in with a fuckin oozy"

It time for a Eazy-E song break by yours truly:

" he yelled out fire then came Suzy, the bitch came in with a sub machine oozy. Police shot the girl but didn't hurt her, both upstate for attempted murder". From the song Boyz in the Hood

Now back to our regularly schedule blog

Karens and Renee meet up for lunch:
Karen thinks the dinner was a good thing because they were all able to get their issues out although it was in a aggressive way Renee says the Junior is staying at her house. She states it's nothing romantic. He's staying there until he goes to prison. Karen doesn't want Renee to get caught up with Junior. Renee is looking for someone who has the same qualities that Junior has. Karen wants her to meet normal guys. She suggests online dating.

Carla is out with her friends Etty and Eleanor:
Carla, Eleanor and Joe (Carla's ex husband) all worked on Wall Street. When he got fired Carla got fired. Carla is ok with Joe coming home but she knows it's going to be tough for him. Nothing much goes on here.

Waves by Deluka <---me like this song. Me down load song in a bit.

Renee's house: Drita is over to help Renee set up a profile on a dating site. They are done with the profile and now looking at the guys the site feel are compatible with Renee. And now Renee has an IM from a guy named Antonio. He asks a lot of questions kinda of back to back and then wants to talk on the phone. Both Renee and Drita find this guy a bit strange and pushy. Renee feels the online dating thing is not for her. Karen goes to pick her daughter from the airport. NEXT The "sexy" pictures Drita took have arrived. They look ok. Lee is from the old school that while he's in prison Drita should wait. Drita says it hard but she doesn't regret it Carla and Drita meets up for lunch: Carla says when Joe gets out he'll have to go to the halfway house and Drita says that halfway house is in the worst possible place to where there are gunshots in the middle of the day. Not much here either. NEXT Drita and Karen are at Carla's house. All the kids are there. Carla fixed a big dinner. Joe Jr (Carla's son) is acting out and Drita feels it's because it's because his father isn't around. Drita is telling Carla and Karen about helping Renee sign up for online dating. Carla feels that Renee does a little too much for Junior. She wants Renee to get over Junior Renee's friend Nikole is over for dinner and talk about dating. Renee feels that all the guys that contact her on the online dating sight are psychos. she wants to delete her account. Carla house: Joe is coming home in two weeks. She wants to get him a duffel with t-shirts, socks and sneakers and other things. Renee is seeing her psycho - I mean counselor. She's talking about dating and she wants someone completely opposite of what she's dated before. She wants a guy with a regular job and be home for dinner. The psycho says that Renee attracts what she exudes. Renee says she needs to learns to be softer. She feels she needs to rearrange her life before she can begin dating Dritas house: she gets a call from Lee. He got the picture In the mail. He likes the pictures. Drita does wonder why she tries to make him happy when she's really not happy. That was basically it. Next week the show doesn't shoe much exciting happening. I really cannot remember much. I think it's because I'm so waiting for the finale show.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Words Without Sound: New Jersey Housewives - Ought to be called The Ter...

Words Without Sound: New Jersey Housewives - Ought to be called The Ter...: "I seriously had plan on blogging New Jersey Housewives but had a hard time getting started due to the first episode being a hot mess. I tr..."

New Jersey Housewives - Ought to be called The Teresa Show

I seriously had plan on blogging New Jersey Housewives but had a hard time getting started due to the first episode being a hot mess. I tried watching the first episode again, right before the second and begin blogging, but got lost in translation (insert laughter). Then the second episode came and it was boring and all about Teresa Giudice and her brother Joey and his wife Melissa and how Teresa and her brother don't talk and such. And now Teresa's cousin Kathy is the mix and its just dumb and boring. I don't care for her brother who is a pig and has the 1920's mentality when it comes to women and his wife Melissa follows it to a T. He believes that a woman's place is in the kitchen and the bedroom. She tries to come off as this touch Italian female (she looks like she's from India to me **shrugs shoulders**) but yet she follows this male chavanistic attitude her husband has.

Last week's episode was worse and more boring and just keeps getting boring as the days progress. Jaqueline has nothing going on in her life either and Caroline's family is calm as well. Nothing exciting going on. Perhap they should have left Danielle in the show to give it some meat and potatoes.

There's no drama for your mama this season and they can cancel the show right now - I mean this instant if they'd like. I would not miss it.

The main thing that's going on is Teresa is still promoting her cook book Skinny Italian (like I just did) and another one she's working on about food as well. Skinny Italina - That title kills me.

Blog this show this season will really be a waste of my time. Ill wait for Big Brother (9 July 2011) and other shows.

Until next time:
"When I get real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask me if I'm leaving." Steven Wright

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mob Wives - The Missing Blog

I will blogging the past episode of Mob Wives tomorrow. It just wasn't exciting to me but that's no excuse for me not to be up on my blogging. I'm a bad TV blogger.

However, I will redeem myself in a good way tomorrow.

In the mean time, head over to my other blog about thoughts that grow in this gulliver of mine.

Thoughts From The Underground